any limitation in islam for me to talk with my close relative?


New Member
My dear respected brothers, sisters and elders i hope you are all in good health with the mercy of Allah showering on you.

I am a bit confused regarding myself being able to talk to me close cousin who is also my fiancee.. I want to know what islam says about this...

She is my close cousin (my mum and her mum are sisters) and we have been engaged, my question is since we are close cousin is it permissable for me to talk to her or not?

I have read in lots of places about people who are engaged but non of them are relatives etc... I am more sure that it is permissable to talk with close relatives but I want to make sure of it.

Take care and may Allah reward you all for helping me clear this confusion.


to Allah we belong

mashallah brother for ur fear of Allah even regarding cousin who is ur fiancee.

many muslims just take relations with cousins/fiancee too lightly.may Allah reward u for that.

as cousin or fiancee is non-mahram, u can talk to her in presence of her father or other mahram.

and if u are sitting in a hall with ur family members in the room or can see you...inshallah it will not be a problem with some necessary talk.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
If only the marriage agreement is made between you and her wali..and you have not made nikah yet (i.e. she's your fiancee in Western terms)...

then you have to speak to her with the presence of a mahram *at all times*..and she has to mind her hijab (or niqab if she wears it) around you as you are *still* a non-mahram to her though it is established that you two will marry

If you have done nikah and you two are waiting for the walima or wedding to be done..

you may speak to her without a mahram..and she doesn't have to mind her hijab and such around you as you are her husband and she's your wife..and your both halal for each is courteous for you to ask her father for permission if you could do he does not feel belittled or disrespected..

For more thorough information..please refer to the links below akhi..they contain information which may help you a lot..بعد النكاحبعد النكاح



New Member
JazakAllah may Allah reward you well for clearing it out for me. I just wanted it cleared so I could talk to her in private because our engagement was arranged. We were both a little young when we were engaged and its been a few years now. She is in a different country than me, but i might inshaAllah be going to visit soon so I needed this clearing out if i can talk with her or not. I want to ask her if she is ok with the engagement because i dont want to marry somebody that has just agreed with thier parents and dont actually want to marry me with thier heart. I love her alot with a true heart but I dont want to marry somebody who may have no interest in me.