Anyone in Singapore doing NS ?


Junior Member

NS means National Service or a Forced Military service. Now I am put into the Police force and still training is super tough. The trainers will curse you and punish everybody if someone does something wrong. I just started training but they treat us as if we were being trained for months. Its really to much pressure, Even for me. Its tough for me. My parents are in back in America and I havent seen them for like five months now I especially miss my mother. And i dont know when I will be seeing them again. So has anyone done this pointless National service ? Tell me how have you gone through this ? And pray for me please that I go through this. Thanks in Advance


BADTASTEBEARS is currently on NS.


NS means National Service or a Forced Military service. Now I am put into the Police force and still training is super tough. The trainers will curse you and punish everybody if someone does something wrong. I just started training but they treat us as if we were being trained for months. Its really to much pressure, Even for me. Its tough for me. My parents are in back in America and I havent seen them for like five months now I especially miss my mother. And i dont know when I will be seeing them again. So has anyone done this pointless National service ? Tell me how have you gone through this ? And pray for me please that I go through this. Thanks in Advance


I know brother BADTASTEBEARS @
from Singapore and he's serving National Service presently.
He was here the other day and mentioned about this on his thread.

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)


New Member

NS means National Service or a Forced Military service. Now I am put into the Police force and still training is super tough. The trainers will curse you and punish everybody if someone does something wrong. I just started training but they treat us as if we were being trained for months. Its really to much pressure, Even for me. Its tough for me. My parents are in back in America and I havent seen them for like five months now I especially miss my mother. And i dont know when I will be seeing them again. So has anyone done this pointless National service ? Tell me how have you gone through this ? And pray for me please that I go through this. Thanks in Advance

Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu brother.
I have been living in singapore my whole life and I have gone through NS in Army, and also finished serving my 2 years there. I have also gone through the same training you are going through at HTA (Home Team Academy) as I was a regular in the Police force as well. I know your feelings brother.

I would say, Allah never burdens a soul more than it can handle. Continue your ways and ask Allah to keep you going and give you strength. One thing I have made out from being in both Army and Police is that, take this as a Blessing you get from Allah, as in Police even as a trainee, you are allowed to go off for Friday prayers. In army, I wasn't even given the chance to do so, let alone my other salah. (May Allah forgive me).

But currently, I feel so much better knowing Allah has put me in a better place whereby I can pray on time and on fridays as well.

My dua's will be with you brother, and am sure for whoever reads this thread as well. Continue to rely on Allah, for on remembrance of Allah do hearts find peace, and Allah will never forsake his slaves. May Allah Reward you with the best of rewards for your struggles and hardships. Ameen.