

Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

I created a thread 2 days ago (or so) in attempt to point out a negative..but I think I was too honest..and perhaps caused offense to others along the way..I do not want to be held accountable in the sight of Allah for any agitation my brothers and sisters might feel and that I was a contributor thereof...

This thread contains my apologies for the annoyance I may have caused..and for me to remember that even honesty has its boundaries and though it can be a blessing from Allah..Allah does not accept it being a factor of harm towards anyone even if they are wrong..and I certainly do not want Allah (swt) to look down upon this poor servant of His (me) and see that which He (swt) does not favor and is pleased about...I would rather the tongue which causes Allah's disfavor of me to turn *mute*..than have it utter a single letter..

The next time I decide to act upon my honesty..I need to stand onto a just and considerate platform so I reap the good consequences of what I intent..and I do not cause ill towards others or even myself...

To you brothers and sisters..I extend a 1000 apologies..and a promise that my honesty would be a policy of good towards each of you from now on..inshallah



AAww.. sister.. there is no need to apologise :)

im sure nobody in their right mind would be hurt by your honesty.
im glad that you told us what you thought.

nothing to forgive


Muslim Unity...
May Allah reward you for your honesty sis Mashallah :)
Alhamdulillah sister there is no need to apologise because
i didn't feel hurt subhanallah and if any of our dear brothers and
sisters got hurt i hope they find it in their hearts to forgive you!
inshallah sis :hearts:


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
AAww.. sister.. there is no need to apologise :)

im sure nobody in their right mind would be hurt by your honesty.
im glad that you told us what you thought.

nothing to forgive

After thinking deeply and after reading a few things..I came to believe that there's a need for me to apologize for Allah's sake first and for the sake of my brothers and sisters second..and inshallah others sense the sincerity of this :)

May Allah reward you for your honesty sis Mashallah :)
Alhamdulillah sister there is no need to apologise because
i didn't feel hurt subhanallah and if any of our dear brothers and
sisters got hurt i hope they find it in their hearts to forgive you!
inshallah sis :hearts:

I do hope as well..especially the ones who misunderstood me..shaitan does not leave anything untainted with his presence..I believe he took advantage of a trait of mine and did just that to it..and I do not want him to succeed in tainting the good and mutual feelings between me and my brothers..



Servant of Allah
Apologies....for what?! i saw your thread the other time, i think it was a wake up call for those who are still immature about different opinions(no offense to anyone). but anyhow...IF anyone did take it the WRONG WAY then please accept our sister's apologies. Sister you did not hurt me...but i still forgive you and accept your apologies for playing too much tag with me. lol i'm just kidding. Forgive us sister.
asalamu alaykum wrwb


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Apologies....for what?! i saw your thread the other time, i think it was a wake up call for those who are still immature about different opinions(no offense to anyone). but anyhow...IF anyone did take it the WRONG WAY then please accept our sister's apologies. Sister you did not hurt me...but i still forgive you and accept your apologies for playing too much tag with me. lol i'm just kidding. Forgive us sister.
asalamu alaykum wrwb

Oh that game of tag we just love to play!..it deserves a thread all on its own :)..and I am giving an apology like I said because I do not want Allah to be displeased with me for hurting my brothers and sisters (it seems that recently I've managed to do that often :()..and those who sense the sincerity in that will inshallah pardon me and accept my apologies



Servant of Allah
Oh that game of tag we just love to play!..it deserves a thread all on its own :)..and I am giving an apology like I said because I do not want Allah to be displeased with me for hurting my brothers and sisters (it seems that recently I've managed to do that often :()..and those who sense the sincerity in that will inshallah pardon me and accept my apologies


oh sister, no worries...if anyone is still sad or angry with you, we will just play tag with them together....that should cheer them up. and it begans...tag...you're it. lol. :)
inshAllah no worries.:salam2:


Servant of Allah
Hey sister....i just love this nasheed, i know it's off topic but hey....it's beautiful. couldn't help it.:)



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
oh sister, no worries...if anyone is still sad or angry with you, we will just play tag with them together....that should cheer them up. and it begans...tag...you're it. lol. :)
inshAllah no worries.:salam2:

lol sister..you never fail to make me laugh..adh'haka allaho sinnaki :)..and I really pray that nobody remains bothered by my words..I really pray with all my heart



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Hey sister....i just love this nasheed, i know it's off topic but hey....it's beautiful. couldn't help it.:)


That was really beautiful ukhti..I might just be adding a new nasheed to my short list of favorites..shukran jazeelan for sharing it with me :)



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
may Allah taala forgive us all sister and forgive me too.

Ameen akhi..and there's nothing needing me to forgive you..as I did not have anything against you alhamduliallah..a Allah-fearing sister would not have ill towards her brother :)



assalam alaikum my dear sis,
there is no need to ask apologies, everyone knows that your intention was not to point finger on them and hurting thier feelings, but it just happened as everyone's THINKING are not same. THE way you thaught was really honest and good, but as you know there are so many little kids who are not matured enough, shaytan will not leav them, nor will he leav us. So he makes them think that way, and it hurt thier feeligs.
I am sorry if my post hurt you, I was also being honest, that it was going way too far then what you intended and was dumping bad effects here ALL BEACUSE OF SHAYTAN and not because of a single word of your honesty.
I love you so much, that allah(swt) only knows how much. Sister please do forgive me also for my honesty and ofcause even thought not a single word of you was offensive agains anyone, I tell everyone who was hurt to forgive you and look it and THINK by being in YOUR SHOES.
:wasalam: my dear sis