
Junior Member
Salam to all I just wanted to write a little about myself. My whole life i always tried to do my best in my actions with others and to try and be as rightious as i could be in this life. always being HUMBLE and SINCERE. but ive been hurt so much buy jealousy haters and taken advantage of. I CONSIDERED myself a DOLPHIN IN THIS OCEAN FILLED WITH SHARKS ive learned with time and many painful stressfull years you need to learn how to swim with the SHARKS or you will get eatin alive by them. ITS changed who i am because of this HOW DO GO BACK TO BEING HUMBLE AND SINCERE WITHOUT GETTING EATIN ALIVE BY THESE SHARKS SALAM A DOLPHIN IN NEED


Assalaam walaikum,

You go back by swimming with a school of similar fish. You remain with Muslims. You do not attach importance to what the sharks do. You serve Allah subhana talla with all your heart. You make dua and He, Who is True to His Word will send you what you need.


to Allah we belong

alhamdulillah brother that you dont to become a shark. have humbleness, humility towards Allah. but be wise and alert as well so that others do not take wrong advantage of ur goodness.

whenever you hear ppl advising you to grow-up, be cunning...they mostly mean that "be bad". but remember Allah, His Paradise and the lives of prophets (peace be upon them) so that their ideas do not corrupt your soul.

and of course duas and good company.


Junior Member

alhamdulillah brother that you dont to become a shark. have humbleness, humility towards Allah. but be wise and alert as well so that others do not take wrong advantage of ur goodness.

whenever you hear ppl advising you to grow-up, be cunning...they mostly mean that "be bad". but remember Allah, His Paradise and the lives of prophets (peace be upon them) so that their ideas do not corrupt your soul.

and of course duas and good company.

not really, when i say that to others i mean what i say because i say what i mean.
grow up = become responsible, stop blaming others for your loss, dont cry over spilled milk, dont beg or depend on others, be bold and stop dreaming. basically prepare for the worst first and hope for the best afterward.


to Allah we belong
not really, when i say that to others i mean what i say because i say what i mean.
grow up = become responsible, stop blaming others for your loss, dont cry over spilled milk, dont beg or depend on others, be bold and stop dreaming. basically prepare for the worst first and hope for the best afterward.

it depends on situations as well. u mean "to be mature" when you might see others behaving immaturely.

but suppose you are not putting false info in ur CV or not stealing frm supermarket and someone say to you " smart man!". thats mean he's showing you the wrong path.

i hope its clear now bro. :)