as-salaamu ‘alaykum


New Member
I became a muslim on March 29, 2008. I was too shy to go to the mosque, but events that happened today gave me courage to call. I was invited to go to the mosque tomorrow, I am so so so so so excited./COLOR]I became a muslim on March 29, 2008. I was too shy to go to the mosque, but events that happened today gave me courage to call. I was invited to go to the mosque tomorrow, I am so so so so so excited.:tti_sister::hearts:


Here to help
salaam alikom..
mashalllah, and hopefuly you will like your stay at the mosque tommorow :hearts:
WeLcOmE..i hope inshallah, u find your stay here, enjoyable as well as eductional and beneficial. :D


Subhana Allah!
masha Allah

in the name of Allah the most merciful the most gracious.

masha Allah!!! congrajulations!!!!! wow i`m so happy for you. Allah has guided you to the right path. may Allah make life easier for you and all of the believers don`t be shy to go to the mosque remeber it is the house of Allah and you will find peace. may Allah be with you!


there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.

Hassan Khalid

Member of Islam:P
In the Name of God, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful


:ma: sister, that's great news!

I hope that from now on, you will start carrying on with the duties of Islam. You must do what Allah and His messenger tell you to, and stay away from what they tell you to. Do as much as you can to follow the duties of Allah, He will help you and support you, if you turn to Him.

You are not expected to adapt to Islam right away. It would surely take you time learning how to perform prayers, learning Arabic(optional), performing fasts etc. I don't know what your real intentions are, Allah knows, and He is the one to decide whether to forgive you or not. Insha'Allah(if He Wills), he will forgive you and Bless you with His Mercy.

We(Muslims) extend the warmest of welcomes to you, and offer our congratulations for the new direction you took. May Allah protect you from all evil.

I ask Allah to help you follow the truth and adhere to it. We(Muslims) are prepared to offer any help that we can. Peace be upon those who follow true guidance.