As salaamu alikum sisters!!!

As salaamu alikum sisters!!! My name is Aadila I am new to this site and am seeking Islamic knowledge to increase in the deen. I have seen many helpful posts such as du'as for forgiveness that are very helpful to me. I also am preparing for upcoming month of Ramadan In'sha'allah.

Nureyni Amir

Junior Member
As salaamu alikum sisters!!! My name is Aadila I am new to this site and am seeking Islamic knowledge to increase in the deen. I have seen many helpful posts such as du'as for forgiveness that are very helpful to me. I also am preparing for upcoming month of Ramadan In'sha'allah.

Walaikum Asalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Ukhty Adila Welcome to the TTI and it is pleasure meeting you. Am new to so I don't have any information on how to get around fully in this site, so in'sha'allah lets explore it together.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
Wa`alaikum salaam warahmatullaah, ukhty.

Welcome to the site! Inshaa'Allaah you'll find many more useful posts.
May Allaah `azza wa jalla increase us all in beneficial knowledge.

PS. We have "brothers" here as well. You should include them in your greeting, too, in the public forums.
But there's a sisters-only section where you can say as much "salaamun `alaikunna , sisters" as you want. :)

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Salam alaykum

Welcome to forum, sister. Hopely you will find this place informative.

May coming Ramadan will be blessing to you.
Al hamdulillah! Thank you all:SMILY231:for your kind greetings! (I just found out what ukhty meant, lol) I also did not figure out how to post in public forum yet. I saw sisters only and just tried to see how it worked. I will go find how to post in public to greet all brothers and sisters on the site in'sha'allah.