
Junior Member
Salam Alykum my Brothers & Sisters.

I have gone around the apple tree many times with this and have wondered it since day one.
Now we say (AS) when we mention any Prophet, but..........when ours is mentioned he receives so much more.
The Qur'an states that all prophets are the same / equal to Allah, makes no difference between them~!
I know what I've been told about this "that on the day of Resurrection, we will pray to our own Prophets". Okay.........but~!
If they are all the same, then why does man make one greater than others? Meaning others only receive an AS but ours receives SAWS.
Seems to me that man has made one greater and that's not what the Qur'an states to my knowledge.
If I'm correct, aren't we making a sin by doing so? Man did this thing, not Muhammad nor Allah. I always say (AS) or (SAWS) to them all alike as I make no differential between them.
Can you tell me if I'm incorrect and if not, then what can supersede the Qur'an's statement of this that they are all the same to Allah.
Has man made a boo-boo b/c it's in our nature to be wrong and to make ours better than theirs when they're all the same with the same not understand this and never have and all I hear is the exact same answer which don't cut it for "me".
It is Illogical IMO that is and fear we may be asked to justify it.
Thank You~!


Assalaam walaikum,

I ain't no scholar brother.

Ok..without our Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we would be in the dark.

He was sent with the Gift and he fullfilled his mission. He gave us the Truth. He was sent to those who did not have knowledge and he gave them the Truth. It is so powerful that it get my drift.

The precise knowledge of the Quran. The absolute knowledge.

Mankinds fate is in practice of what was given to us. Falsehood gone.

We respect the words of all the prophets, all 124,000 of them...they were all Muslims.

But, brother, this man was sent to us. This is my precious gift. This is what is dear in my heart. He is the brother of all the others..only two called him son on his Miraj. Musa cried.

I do justify is not a matter of greatest..He is the Beloved of Allah. It is about Love. He is the leader of my tribe. My treasure.

I am sure we will have many give you the justifications...but for me its about salvation. And the person who gives me direction for salvation...well its sweet and dear.


Junior Member
Assalaam walaikum,

I ain't no scholar brother.

Ok..without our Prophet, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, we would be in the dark.

He was sent with the Gift and he fullfilled his mission. He gave us the Truth. He was sent to those who did not have knowledge and he gave them the Truth. It is so powerful that it get my drift.

The precise knowledge of the Quran. The absolute knowledge.

Mankinds fate is in practice of what was given to us. Falsehood gone.

We respect the words of all the prophets, all 124,000 of them...they were all Muslims.

But, brother, this man was sent to us. This is my precious gift. This is what is dear in my heart. He is the brother of all the others..only two called him son on his Miraj. Musa cried.

I do justify is not a matter of greatest..He is the Beloved of Allah. It is about Love. He is the leader of my tribe. My treasure.

I am sure we will have many give you the justifications...but for me its about salvation. And the person who gives me direction for salvation...well its sweet and dear.

Nor am I my Sister.

I completely understand your reasoning but it didn't do a lot to answer my question as to why we have "chosen" to say more for ANY one Prophet.
I warned everyone that I'm blunt and ask piercing questions, this one I've had since day one of being Muslim .. and Elhumd el Allah that the Troll is GONE~!!!!!!!!! He got me a bit angry with repetitive stupidity and his needless Lies. Hope he's banned```!


Assalaam walaikum,

Hope this helps:

That is a good convention created by as-Salaf as-Saalih (the righteous predecessors) after the death of the Propehet (PBUH).

In the Quran, God tells us that He “prays” for the Prophet (PBUH) and so do the angels and asks us to do likewise and send our greetings to him (33:56). Therefore, it is highly recommended that we say Salla Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam (May God bless and greet him), which is commonly abbreviated PBUH (peace be upon him), whenever Muhammad’s name is mentioned.

As for other prophets, for the angels and for some distibuished people, such as Mary, we are encouraged to say “Alaihi As-Salaam” (peace be upon him), or in the case of Mary “Alayha as-Salaam” (peace be uoun her), because the Prophet (PBUH) did so.

BTW, God “praying” for somebody means He graces them.

In the Quran, God tells us that He “is pleased with” the Sahaaba (companions of the Prophet, PBUH), who pledged allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH) (48:18). That is the origin of the phrase Radhiya Allaahu `Anhu (May God have been pleased with him), commonly abbreviated RA, in reference to the Sahaaba.

For all subsequent Muslims, the convention has been to say Rahimahu Allaah (May God have mercy on him), in reference to a deceased Muslim.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
Nor am I my Sister.

I completely understand your reasoning but it didn't do a lot to answer my question as to why we have "chosen" to say more for ANY one Prophet.
I warned everyone that I'm blunt and ask piercing questions, this one I've had since day one of being Muslim .. and Elhumd el Allah that the Troll is GONE~!!!!!!!!! He got me a bit angry with repetitive stupidity and his needless Lies. Hope he's banned```!

Assalaam walaikum,

Hope this helps:

That is a good convention created by as-Salaf as-Saalih (the righteous predecessors) after the death of the Propehet (PBUH).

In the Quran, God tells us that He “prays” for the Prophet (PBUH) and so do the angels and asks us to do likewise and send our greetings to him (33:56). Therefore, it is highly recommended that we say Salla Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam (May God bless and greet him), which is commonly abbreviated PBUH (peace be upon him), whenever Muhammad’s name is mentioned.

As for other prophets, for the angels and for some distibuished people, such as Mary, we are encouraged to say “Alaihi As-Salaam” (peace be upon him), or in the case of Mary “Alayha as-Salaam” (peace be uoun her), because the Prophet (PBUH) did so.

BTW, God “praying” for somebody means He graces them.

In the Quran, God tells us that He “is pleased with” the Sahaaba (companions of the Prophet, PBUH), who pledged allegiance to the Prophet (PBUH) (48:18). That is the origin of the phrase Radhiya Allaahu `Anhu (May God have been pleased with him), commonly abbreviated RA, in reference to the Sahaaba.

For all subsequent Muslims, the convention has been to say Rahimahu Allaah (May God have mercy on him), in reference to a deceased Muslim.

asalaam aleykum

it DID do a lot to answer Your question NOW I am sure.

thanks to:Allah who brought me to this TTI.


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Lets not make it a debate and I would advice people not to discuss this much or compare one Prophet with another etc.

We love and respect and make dua for all the Prophets. Do you know why we do it? Because, Allah loves them. And indeed Allah loves Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam). The status of Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) with Allah is greater than all mankind and Jinns. When Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) went to meet Allah, after a point Jibreel (Allayhi Salam) couldn't accompany Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) because he feared he would burn in the noor of Allah. And he asked Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) to proceed and nothing will happen to him. That was the status of Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) with Allah.

And who is going to intercede for all us muslim in the Judgement day? Of course, it is Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam). That is why we love him. We love him because Allah loves him. Allah loves all prophets. That is why we should love them too. Don't speak about differences or make comparisons. There no bigger fitna than that.

And Also don't exaggerate praises on Prophets, that was something Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) feared for us. When people called him "Sayyid" (Which is true, Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) is the leader of mankind), He (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam), out of fear that people might exaggerate, said "Allah is the Al-Sayyid". So, don't fall into what our Prophet (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) feared for us.

May Allah Guide us.

Wassalamu Alaikkum


Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Lets not make it a debate and I would advice people not to discuss this much or compare one Prophet with another etc.

We love and respect and make dua for all the Prophets. Do you know why we do it? Because, Allah loves them. And indeed Allah loves Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam). The status of Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) with Allah is greater than all mankind and Jinns. When Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) went to meet Allah, after a point Jibreel (Allayhi Salam) couldn't accompany Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) because he feared he would burn in the noor of Allah. And he asked Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) to proceed and nothing will happen to him. That was the status of Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) with Allah.

And who is going to intercede for all us muslim in the Judgement day? Of course, it is Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam). That is why we love him. We love him because Allah loves him. Allah loves all prophets. That is why we should love them too. Don't speak about differences or make comparisons. There no bigger fitna than that.

And Also don't exaggerate praises on Prophets, that was something Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) feared for us. When people called him "Sayyid" (Which is true, Prophet Muhammad (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) is the leader of mankind), He (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam), out of fear that people might exaggerate, said "Allah is the Al-Sayyid". So, don't fall into what our Prophet (Sall- Allahu Allayhi wasallam) feared for us.

May Allah Guide us.

Wassalamu Alaikkum

How can you say this when the Prophet (pbuh) himself said that he is not more special than any other Prophet of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Indeed Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is special to us because he will intercede for as with the permission of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

Abraham (pbuh) was called the friend of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and He spoke directly with Moses. You are correct in saying that all prophets are equal and brought something special to mankind.


Junior Member
How can you say this when the Prophet (pbuh) himself said that he is not more special than any other Prophet of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Indeed Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is special to us because he will intercede for as with the permission of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

Abraham (pbuh) was called the friend of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and He spoke directly with Moses. You are correct in saying that all prophets are equal and brought something special to mankind.

Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Brother, I am not comparing any prophets and I ask people not to do that. I, definitely, cannot do that without knowledge. If you see my post, I never used the word "special". Please don't associate something with me that I didn't say.

Indeed, the fitna of tongue is grave. And moreover, these discussions don't benefit the muslim in this life or the akhira. So, lets not indulge in it.


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikkum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu,

A simple answer to the opening post would be it was the etiquette of the Sahabah and we follow that. Because, if it was wrong, the Prophet Sall-allahu allayhi wasallam would have prohibited the usage. But he didn't do that. Hence, It doesn't undermine any one prophet or it is not for comparing one another.


Pearl of Islaam
How can you say this when the Prophet (pbuh) himself said that he is not more special than any other Prophet of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Indeed Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is special to us because he will intercede for as with the permission of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.

Abraham (pbuh) was called the friend of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and He spoke directly with Moses. You are correct in saying that all prophets are equal and brought something special to mankind.

Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Dear brother, I do not understand why you say that our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa salam is not more beloved to Allah and to us as Muslims than other Prophets who were sent before him.

Alhhmadulillah we love all Messangers of Allah subhabhu wa teala and Allah sais that they all were good, in thier faith in Allah, behaviour,and beautiful characters they all were Muslims Alhamdulillah. As Muslims we know that Alhamdulillah all Prophets were only human beings and were only sent from Allah like a guidance to all manking because they had the most beautiful ahlaq, deeds, and behaviour. And Allah knows the best.

But as Muslims we also know that our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa saalam was example of perfect human being, he is the one who was taking the most hard task than other Prophets, because to him was sent The last Book of Allah( Quran) and in diffrence than other Prophets which were sent only to specific nation or people, our Prophet sallahu alayha wa saalam was sent to all mankind with message of Islam, based on following both Quran and Sunnah. And Allah knows the best.

He is the one to whom is promissed river Kawsar in Jannah Inshallah and he is the one to whom Allah Allmighty has promissed that the most of people who will enter in Jannah will be from His Ummah,and was descibed from Allah that he is the one who is the best Servant of Allah and that he is the example of the most beautiful behaviour, as Allah subhanhu wa teala sais: "And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are on an exalted standard of character." ( Surah Al Kalam, ayah 4).

Also like Muslims we are thought to love our Prophet sallahu alayha wa salam more than anything else( except Allah subhanhu wa teala), as we love Allah the most of everything Alhamdulillah and after we love our Prophet, because he was the one who thought us Islam and pure and beautiful way of life and made duas always for us, his Ummah.

Anas Ibn Maalik, may Allaah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “One who attains the following three things will taste the sweetness of faith: To make Allaah and His Messenger more beloved to himself than anything else; To love a person for no other reason except for the sake of Allaah; And to hate to return to disbelief just as much as he would hate to be thrown into fire.” (Bukhaari, Muslim and others).

Imaam An-Nawawi, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said commenting upon this Hadeeth: "This is a great Hadeeth and one of the tenets of Islaam. The scholars said regarding “Would taste the sweetness of faith” that it means enjoining obedience, persevering in order to please Allaah and His Messenger and favouring these over what this worldly life has to offer. The slave will achieve the love of his Lord and His Messenger when he obeys him and refrains from anything which He prohibits."

Allaah says that which translates as: “The Prophet is more worthy of the believers than themselves.” (Al-Ahzaab: 6).

Sahl, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "Whoever does not feel that the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam has full rights of command over him at all times will never taste the sweetness of following the Sunnah because the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam has said: “None of you will be a true believer until I am more beloved to him than himself”.

Shaykh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said: "Loving Allaah and His Messenger more than anything else is one of the tenets of Islaam, without which a slave is not considered a believer."

And Allah knows the best.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong or if I have misunderstood you brother.

May Allah guide us all. Ameen ya Rabb.



Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa barakatuhu

Dear brother, I do not understand why you say that our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa salam is not more beloved to Allah and to us as Muslims than other Prophets who were sent before him.

Because Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said so.


Assalaam walaikum,

Allah loves him. We love him. The angles love him.

We know he was 100% human. But we love him.

In our hearts we love him. We love him.

And we can not help loving him. We can not help loving him.

Its like loving gets better with is that simple.

No do you debate love?


Junior Member
The Prophet :saw: told us not to exaggerate in praising him. However, of all the Prophets, to me he is more special because he's the seal of them all; Qur'aan was revealed to him; we follow his sunnah; his ummah is the last and the greatest; we're more closer to him than the other prophets of Allaah; the trumpet will be blown on this ummah and he will intercede for us. There's so many other reasons why the Prophet :saw: is more special than the other prophets of Allaah.

Of course all the prophets of Allaah are special but out of them all, Muhammad :saw: went through a lot of struggles for this ummah. Muhammad :saw: is a mercy to mankind.


Pearl of Islaam
Because Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said so.

Assalamu allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

As sister Kakoorot already explained dear brother, our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa saalam only said that we do not overreact in praising him, like Christinas done with Prophet Issa aleyhi selam or like Jews done with Uzayr Astagfirullah, and Allah knows the best.

But that does not mean that our Prophet sallahu alayha wa salam is not more special Alhamdulilah and it is because of many reasons. And he was perfect example of human being and Servant of Allah,and he loved and fight all his life for his Ummah. And Alhamdulillah dear brother that we love a loot our Prophet sallahu alaya wa salam,we follow his Sunnah in our deads and behaviour and we love him after Allah the most.

May Allah make us true Muslims and keep love always for our Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa saalam.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong. Ameen ya Rabb.



Assalamu allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

As sister Kakoorot already explained dear brother, our beloved Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa saalam only said that we do not overreact in praising him, like Christinas done with Prophet Issa aleyhi selam or like Jews done with Uzayr Astagfirullah, and Allah knows the best.

But that does not mean that our Prophet sallahu alayha wa salam is not more special Alhamdulilah and it is because of many reasons. And he was example of perfect human being and Servant of Allah,and he loved and fight all his life for his Ummah. And Alhamdulillah dear brother that we love a loot our Prophet sallahu alaya wa salam,we follow his Sunnah in our deads and behaviour and we love him after Allah the most.

May Allah make us true Muslims and keep love always for our Prophet Mohammed sallahu alayha wa saalam.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong. Ameen ya Rabb.


We all love him sister, but you are contradicting the Prophet (pbuh) yet again by calling him a perfect human being. Go and read his hadiths and in it he makes mistakes like any human being and what is his excuse? He says "I'm just a human being". Only Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is perfection, otherwise you are bordering on shirk.


Assalaam walaikum,


We are not making him anything other than human. Think about it. He is our role model. We just show him respect.

It is a sense of intimacy with Muslims. We do not expect anyone else to show him this respect. It is an outpouring of love.

How could we raise the man who has delivered the message of the criterion of right and wrong to the level of the Master. We can not. We just love him.

That is the one in my heart. His delivery of the message makes me love all the messengers..but this one...well, simply put..that is mine.


Junior Member
We all love him sister, but you are contradicting the Prophet (pbuh) yet again by calling him a perfect human being. Go and read his hadiths and in it he makes mistakes like any human being and what is his excuse? He says "I'm just a human being". Only Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is perfection, otherwise you are bordering on shirk.

Yes but he was the perfect example.


Pearl of Islaam
We all love him sister, but you are contradicting the Prophet (pbuh) yet again by calling him a perfect human being. Go and read his hadiths and in it he makes mistakes like any human being and what is his excuse? He says "I'm just a human being". Only Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala is perfection, otherwise you are bordering on shirk.


Jazzak Allah khair dear brother for correcting me Alhamdulillah,and may Allah forgive me because I did not expressed well my words.

Alhadmulilah brother, that only Allah subhanahu wa teala is perfect SubhanAllah and is above everything, but I meant to say that our Prophet sallahu alayha wa salam is the perfect example of the most good, noble and humble human being that exist and he is the one who was the best Servant of Allah and his behaviour and beautiful ahlaq is example and mercy to all mankind.

And Allah knows the best.

May Allah bless you.Ameen ya Rabb.
