asalam my name is now Sara


Junior Member
Sister Sara you seem so happy and this has put a smile on my face we should all be more like you be happier

I am so happy for you sister

welcome to the site and family

take care everyone


Junior Member
Mashallah Sara!
i admire how hard you have tried, and it really nice to see that you are so positive, thats how it should be.
and i dont think ur gna have to worry about a thing, bcoz ther will always be a gud muslim sister/brother to help you out.

take care x

American Muslim

Just Another Slave
wa'alaykum salam sister,

Sorry that your friends and coworkers took your deen badly. But surely Allah (swt) will give you better. Inshallah, you will always have family with the ummah.


New Member
in the name of Allah

Dear brothers and sisters
Mashallah, here we have a sister who is being tested from Allah about her Hijab, and Mashallah she - as i think - passed since she prefered to leave her job instead of removing her veil. Mashallah Mashallah.
I pray to Allah that he sends you a great husband that you will never need to work anymore :), Ameen

wa alsalamo alikum


Junior Member

Sara, Alhamdulillah you are a muslim. And Alhamdulillah you are wearing the hijab. Allah knows best. Despite the fact that you actually lost your job bcoz of the hijab, you must be strong inside and believe that Allah knows what's best for you, InsyaAllah. Do not be despair. Sometimes we get better things happening to us where we least expect it. That is the Rahmat from Allah. InsyaAllah.:hearts:


New Member
congratulation sister sara

assalam wa alaikum
Feel good that u became muslim.
I pray allah to success in ur life.


Tamed Brother

Dear sister,

You have given the scarifice of your family and job for Islam, because the only eternal relation is with your Creator. SubhanAllah.

May Allah give you the highest place in Jannah and May Allah give such faith to other Muslims also.



New Member
allah with whom those who have patience

dear :salam2:
nver mind others ,wat say.u will get best position in the hereafter ,and best job .u know .once our prophet (peace b up on him) said it is better to b come a person to islam b cause of u, than getting whole waelth in this world .:salam2: ur brother jabir-india


Junior Member
Sister Sara
A thousand congratulations and a thousands thank to :Allah: for showing you the way.may :Allah: keep u on the right track and ask :Allah: to show the way to him closer and closer.
Islam is a true and rightfull religon.thre's beauty in the quran that u discover by reading it more and more that it completely inlightens ur spirit.stay close to the book of :Allah:.

If u have any question ask me.

Ur Brother