asalamu alaykum


Subhana Allah!
asalamu alikum eveyone you might think this silly qustion but i want to know who ere the most ages that are in tti. is it 10-20, 20-40, 40-60. actually i am in 16ys old. so that makes me 10-20 you don`t have to tell ur age just tell where you are in between.:wasalam:


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum Zaynab,

I'm 25, although there is a poll somewhere around here which indicates that most voters, are in our twenties.

This may just indicate the age group of the majority of people who have decided to vote in the poll, rather than be an accurate reflection of the majority age range for the members of the forum on the whole. Perhaps it's just that people in their twenties are the most content with what age they are, hence more likely to submit a vote, but that's just my speculation.