Assalamo 3alykom wa ra7mato allah wabarakatoh


New Member
I'm a new member, & realy i dnt know how can i express you my happiness & the reason is that when you found yourself bitween yor brothers & sisters in islam, when you feel that relationship is just for allah, only allah, then you'll discover the importance of islam in our life, then you'll be sure that there's no way to find your happiness except in islam, finaly i hope that allah makes our imane more hardly and makes our love for him more fidel.
sorry i dnt speak english very well so if i made a mistacke please correct it to me


Junior Member
Asalamu alaikum
Welcome brother to TTI, and i hope you benefit this forum as i have. Welcome Again.


Islam is my life
Staff member
assalamu aleikum
welcome to our family :) Very happy Muslim
Hope to hear from u often

waaleikum salam