assalamu alaikom muslims


New Member
how r u muslims all over the world i'm Ahmad from egypt- cairo , i'm happy and glad to find such sites that helps ppl not only turn to islam but to learn the real islam , i hope we can work together for islam .

i follow qur'an ,sunnah , scholars sayings or ways enhanced by evidence (qur'an ,sunnah , ijma', qiyas ) anything else would be of no use , ofcourse thats religion talking which means if someone said he can get oil out of his bath that would be funny :SMILY149: but i hope the u.s army doesn't come looking for mass destruction weapons in his bathroom !!!

and by the way what is this guy doing :astag: , i can't understand why he is waving his finger this way while saying astagherullah !!!
anyways i'm proud being with u , salam .


New Member
Staff member
Assalamu alaikum

LOL! you sound funny akhi anyhow welcome to the site and hope you can contribute to the site soon. about this :astag: icon, that finger waving is a gesture to show that something was not done right. I hope I made that clear LOL whatever.

ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member
ofcourse thats religion talking which means if someone said he can get oil out of his bath that would be funny :SMILY149: but i hope the u.s army doesn't come looking for mass destruction weapons in his bathroom !!!


Watch out brother, everything is possible. Even that is easy justifiable today:redface: