Assalamualaykum,to all members of TurnToIslam.

anuar hashim

New Member
I am a new member of .I will try my best to do whatever i can in helping to build the relationship among the members and to participate in any forum that i think i have the answer . i am from Malaysia and now having a small business specialised in Photography, i am 50yrs old.with a wife and 6 childrens Alhamdullillah .I joined this website for the purpose of building up sillaturrahim among the muslim brothers and the non-muslim who are interested in Islam .

Thanks. May Allah bless all of us with all his Rahmah.Ameen.

ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member

Welcome to the forum dear brother in Islam.
It's always a pleasure to have anyone who is masha'Allah willing to participate and contribute to the Deen of Allah (swt).
May Allah (swt) reward you for your good intentions and give us all the best in this life and the next insha'Allah.



New Member
walekum as salam wa rahmatullah wa barkatahu
welcome brother .. i m new too hehe .. i was jus wonderin if anyone know where i can post my islamic articles .. if anyone can help that wud be great insha ALlah .. orite then bros and sis .. fi amaanillah
Wa Alaikoum Assalam Wa Rahmato Allah Wa Barakatouh
Welcome to turntoislam.
May Allah bless you and your family


Junior Member


Welcome to the site new members....

i was jus wonderin if anyone know where i can post my islamic articles .. if anyone can help that wud be great insha ALlah .. can post them here on TurnToIslam..... :)
if its addressing a particular topic e.g. about the Prophet :saw: then you can post it under 'Articles About The Prophet Muhammad'
(peace be upon him).

In general, we have an 'Article' section here on the site. You can always designate which category your article falls under, and then post it accordingly, Insha'Allah.

Hope this bit of information helps.
