At risk - worried sick!


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sister

May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala protect you from all forms evil and disgust in your school, your area and anywhere else in your country. Lemme explain something to you.

You mentioned that the reason why you had not yet reported the matter to police was mainly because the authorities in your school were racist. But why do you think that the police would not be able to deal with such a problem? If a good police officer gets your case, may be the school authority would have a tough time? Place your faith in Allah Subhanahu wa Taala and file a complaint with your nearest Police Station.

Please remember that Allah Subhanahu wa Taala has given us the resources. But in order to use the resources, we need to have faith in The Almighty. We all know "Allah Subhanahu wa Taala would not change the condition of people until and unless they try to change themselves first."

So raise your voice and report to the Police. When you've done your part, do not worry about the outcome because it rests on Allah Taala. Most of us make this mistake. We try to judge the outcome when we've not yet done our part.

Also learn any form of martial art. It might sound funny to some, but at some point of time in your life it is definitely going to help you. Trust me on that. I don't mean that by learning the defensive techniques, you go and beat the heck out of them. But if we think about the extreme point, that might be an alternative to your solution.

Insha Allah, you'll be succesful sister. And above all pray to Allah Subhanahu wa Taala to make the guy among the guided ones. Who knows that Allah Az'wazal might accept your prayers and show him the path of Righteousness. We cannot imagine and anticipate the plan of Allah Az'wazal. For He is The Best of Planners.



Junior Member
sister may Allah protect you
I agree with the people who said "who should talk about it with the police".
you will be in my dua inshaAllah


ps: someone asked why i'm the target of these people.

Peerhaps it was me you mean, and what I meant was next tine he trhreatens you (I know this will be hard) but be calm and look him in the eye (note this is importaant, in western culture eye contact is very important looking away can signify untrustworthiness) then ask him calmly and gently "Why do you want to kill me?" Who knows if he starts to question he may just If you have the reason you can start to plan a reaction.

For the head teacher, give her a written letter saying that you have been threatened and that you are in fear of harm. A wriiten protest is hard to ignore espeially if there s the possibility of further legal action. And Headlines such as "Teacher warned of menace - did nothing." are guaranteed to kill a career stone dead - you cannot beat self interest as a reason for someone to take action.

But for now knowledge is power, you need more knowledge - precise knowledge people are not uniformno matter what you have been taught there is no such thing as "The West" a uniform homogenous black, just as all muslims are not all identical, simply saying they are all against me is lazy and foolish,find out why they are all against you, the prayer thing might be why the teachers are against you but not the kids, there will be differences even amongst your teachers.
A boy I knew at school was taken out of school after "victimisation" it turned out his father had gone into a PTA meeting and cursed everybody roundly as heretics, he was from one of these weird sub-Christian cults, and it was a Catholic school, nearly fifty years later I still have not got all the facts (my dad was not there) but apparently he was not what anybody would call polite or reasonable, unfortunately the kid then caught the backlash. So what happened between CAIR and the school, what is the current situation (I assume you are in the States) in the negotiations?
Need information, accurate information


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sister

How's everything with that guy? Has the school taken any action against him? Have you reported the matter to the police?

Update us please !!!

walaikum as salam.


Servant of Allah
CAIR is going to have the meeting with the school on the 27th of oct. as for me reporting to the police, i have not done so. the teacher i had informed said it was going to be taken care of. some things were arranged and now he has left me alone. IF he starts anything new, it will be reported to the police. that's all for now. jazakAllah, wasalamau 3layakum.


Junior Member
oh sis! i'm sad that u have to go through this! dont let him make u afraid! he's weak, actually. thats disgusting. u do NOT pick on a girl. EVER- or else u get bady messed up. but dont treat him with violence either- that would make it even more dangerous. i think the meeting should cover it up. but if not- take advice from the "Artimes" member. very smart


Junior Member
Not nice, not nice at all!

Right let's get started, Have you ever thought of asking him why he wants to harm you? Does he see you as a threat? Does he hate muslims? Is he doing it because his father says muslims are evil? Is he just a looking for attention? I know this is going to sound weird but perhaps he is just trying to attract your attention, if he is socially retarded he might think that the big macho bit will attract you, (stop laughing! some kids actually do think like that), after all you say he is lonely and antisocial, maybe this is the only way he knows how to interact with others.
The other thing you MUST, MUST , MUST do is TELL YOUR TEACHER THAT THE PROLEM HAS NOT GONE AWAY!!!! Sorry for shouting but it is important, he/she cannot/will not do anything if she thinks the probles is resolved.

oh- lol! that hapened to me b4! this guy kept on teasing me, then when he got talked to, and he came to apolagize, when i turned around i acidently punched him rlly hard! he knew it was an accident- so i was safe! hope the same happens 4 u. yeah- if u have brothers- get them 2 help u- or cousins- anything close