At what age do children start to wonder?


Junior Member
I would like to know if wondering about Islam and religions is natural for a child of 11? I know this child and she asks an awful lot of questions... I do know she wants to follow Islam but has questions and suspicions about everything to do with religions in her mind. How can I help her?

My salams to all

Sister Starz


Slave of Allah
I think it's normal. Maybe she was born as a Spiritual Person. I was VERY religious and deep into religious matters at the age of 9.


Junior Member

Really? She is a born muslim, I fear she may convert or go mad thinking about matters too big for her to handle :( She tells me thoughts that I think are really strange for an 11 year old.


Staff member
Wa alaykum assalam.

I think people start wondering at whatever age is right for them. Usually something provokes it. I suggest just to tell her what you know rather than not. Better to know then remain shut up and wondering.

my opinion of course.


Junior Member

What with the media and all the comments on Islam and her living in a non-muslim country, no wonder she has already started to wonder. Does everyone go through this stage then emerge a full grown strong muslim?

My salams to all
Sis Starz


Staff member
Wa alaykum assalam.

What exactly do u mean by full grown muslim... lol hehe...

I don't know if everyone goes through this stage.... a lot of people do... some later than others, some easier than others, some get the right answers and are guided, others take on drugs and are misguided.

All matters of situation and availability... or as how I see it.



Junior Member

* Cough * Lets say, they emerge from adolescence :)
Jazakumullahu khair for the advice. Inshallah I will learn more about Islam to help her. It would break my heart to see her take on drugs. I think she doesn't know what to do, where to go and needs someone to hold her hand and lead her.

Sister Starz