Avoding Formalistic understanding of Islam


Junior Member

Muslim often argue about the ways animals are slaughtered and the surrounding method, but rarely are concerned with the way animals are treated before they are slaughtered. Prophet Mohammed cared for the Animals but since the only follow formalistic text that mention the rites and rights the slaughter,totally forgetting the overriding mercy and justice implied in the text. Wallahi our superficial understanding is not helping in our day and age and this is one of the crisis.


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum

You hit the nail on the head. There is just formalism everywhere and the soul is missing. Sometimes I feel we are in a similar situation as jews were in the time of Isa AS. Look how he was fighting that formalism in his time:

"You have heard that the ancients were told, "You shall not commit murder" and "Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court."
But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, "You good-for-nothing," shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, "You fool," shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell. "
