Video Baba Ali (ummahfilms) story about reverting to Islam

Ali baba

New Member
My reply

Assalaam alaikum, my husband has a way with videos showing other fellow muslims about how people have converted or have taken in Islam as their faith. However, we have to also feel that we ourselves are doing good and would want to teach our children as parents. As a convert 28 years ago, I have just barely started to realize how Islam is very important in my life and in my children's life too. I was very ignorant before and I never took the time and effort to really sit down and start learning about Islam. This is a big step for me and I really think that in the long run it has helped me to know myself more and appreciate all the things Allah has put down in front of me. I have never been a person of faith and I was a failure. I am not perfect as a human, but I still need to continue to learn more and more, but I have that inspiration to follow Allah in my heart.

Ma salaama:tti_sister: