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  • Aww.. sis I just came across these messages. SubhanAllaah... so sweet.

    Ameen to your du'aas. I miss those days, we were so young and naive in some ways, but we had some great times. I think it holds a special place in all of our hearts really. :)
    Many people have definetly influenced me in much good, I would like to mention sisters Farhopes and Halah among many others for their extreme gentleness in dealing with me in my first days. You don't forget people like that. Also, sister Suleykha..not sure if she still comes on here. Of course, Brother Mabsoot but also Ayman another brother starting with S.. can't remember, and young bro AbdulHassib. May Allaah [swt] increase you all in knowledge and ranks.

    :) *felt great to write these few lignes
    Whenever I log back here.. a great feeling of nostalgia fills my heart. At the tender age of 16, lost and looking for guidance as well as some friends..Allaah guided me to this website. Here I spent hours upon hours, reading, asking, learning, watching anything that would quench a deep thirst. Cut from all people outside, I began new friendships online especially with 2 sisters (they will surely recognise themselves, if they see this). By Allaah, I believe they were my first friends whilst practising and despite not being in contact as much (mainly my fault) they remain (and will for ever) have a special place in my little heart. Here, I rediscovered myself. Anything important or relevant I would rush to print it off and consequently, I have a huge folder with printed papers from TTI. May Allaah [swt] bless this website and make it successful.
    wa 'alaykisalaam

    Oh yes. I remember it quite well.

    We havent been there in ages. (Speaking of which, I shouldn't be here!)
    Ohhhhhh sweet are you..I hope everything is ok at your end..miss you and all family of tti much love <3
    Aww... yeah... well khayr inshaAllaah! There may very well be khayr in the things that upset us.

    Darlin I'ma be absent from TTI soon so I'm just giving a heads up. But May Allaah keep you in His safety and protection! Ameen.
    Aww, I would search the whole world for you! Unfortunately that world ends as soon as you log off xP

    I'm aight alhamdulillaah, getting old is what it is lol... so much to do sometimes it feels like and so little time! How bouts you? You graduating round same time as Isra right?
    Assalaamu 'alayki

    Libby! You're back gurl, where've you been hiding all this time?

    I'm not round here much these days but sending my love and salaam anyways. =)
    Salaam,Mashallah same goes for you sister Libin.Still fun from time to time.Que dieu te garde.Hope everything is going your way bi Idni llah.Allah Maak
    I dont remember helping you with the statement.. I was such a nerd back then, seriously its embarrassinggg :redface:
    one exam left till i finished Uni for good. Remember when we were still stuck with A'levels?! Ahahahah...
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