Be in this World as if You are a Stranger


-Quiet Member-

Ibn `Umar relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) placed his hand on his shoulder and said: “Be in the world as if you are a stranger or a wayfarer.”

Thereafter, Ibn `Umar used to say: “When the night comes, do not wait for the day, and when the day comes, do not wait for the night. Take from your health for your sickness, and take from your life for your death.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (7/170)]


Junior Member

Jazakallaahu khairan for posting, Prophet :saw: tells us a very important point to always remember...

And below is another related one
Prophet :saw: said- “Seize five opportunities before the five (calamities): your youth before weakness in old age; your health before your sickness; richness before poverty; your leisure before business; your life before death.” (Tirmidhi)


Junior Member

I hope you like this cool poster:
