Becoming both an Imam and a Physician?


New Member
Possible or impossible? I don't know any who are both, but I was wondering. I seem to be interested in Islam much recently and have the opportunity to study in Saudi Arabia (I have family there) after I complete my BSc in bio-chemistry. Then after my Islamic studies, come back to do medical school and become a physician?

Or are both jobs too demanding? I understand both are valuable callings within the community, but I still can't decide on which and have been considering this for 4 months now.

All answers are appreciated, may Allah reward you.


Young Muslim
salam alaykum

Honestly I think you would be overburdening yourself if you chose to take up both jobs. Sorry for being so negative. But if you think about it you'll have to juggle between your job as a physician and your communal duties as an imam - can you lead friday prayer and salah zuhr or asr? Can you finish work and go to the masjid straight away? Are you wiling to dedicate your entire life to constant working and very little relaxation?

We don't really know your personal situation and whatnot so you would know what is better for youself. Perhaps you could be an imam when you retire?



New Member
salam alaykum

Honestly I think you would be overburdening yourself if you chose to take up both jobs. Sorry for being so negative. But if you think about it you'll have to juggle between your job as a physician and your communal duties as an imam - can you lead friday prayer and salah zuhr or asr? Can you finish work and go to the masjid straight away? Are you wiling to dedicate your entire life to constant working and very little relaxation?

We don't really know your personal situation and whatnot so you would know what is better for youself. Perhaps you could be an imam when you retire?

:jazaak: brother Waseem.

I've heard of many Molanas and sheikhs who are also physicians, but haven't met any personally. Also, if I'm not mistaken then there is more than 1 Imam per masjid, correct? And it's very possible to lead Jum'ah salat and close the clinic for that hour and return, since as a doctor you have your own hours and are practically your own boss.

I'm still really not share as I'd love to do one or the other, but I feel I'd regret if I choose one and over the other later...


Junior Member
Hmm im not sure on what exactly are the duties of the "Imam" in the country u are in. in Saudi Arabia it's only to lead the prayers, and giving friday sermon. giving Fatwa or other duties are done by others who have more knowledge. Being an Imam is looked at as a secondary work in Saudi arabia the government doesn't pay you enough to live off very well, because it's not a full time job. So, yes most imams ( at least in Saudi Arabia ) have other jobs. a friend of mine memorizes the quran and he is currently studying to be a doctor as well. he can lead the prayers after finishing medical school because of his knowledge in the quran he can also give a friday sermon after acquiring more knowledge. There are many doctors in Saudi Arabia who are do da'wah or lead prayers and give friday sermons. i dont see why u cant do both.

Again im based on the duty of an "Imam" in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In your country / community the situation may differ due to the lack of mosques. here thanks to allah we have a lot of mosques more then 1 per neighborhood.
you can finish ur studies and become a doctor then study islam or do whatever makes u comfortable!. Good luck

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
Why not? Dr Saleh As Saleh had a PhD in medical biochemistry, and he was a student of Shaykh Muhammad Salih Ibn Uthaymeen.

Its all up to you. I know a Syrian brother wo has memorized the Quran and leads the fajr prayer and then goes Uni, he is studying medicine and will become a doctor soon, InShaa Allah. He has a cracking voice too.

Its all up to you.


Junior Member

Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury (AlKauthar Institute, UK) is a medical doctor by profession. I dont think it is impossible,


Junior Member

The few cases of MDs who become Imams are as thus:

Work as a physician for a number of years, decades actually.

Become an imam as retirement age apporaches since medicine is not like any other career, you can't simply close your clinic for an hour+ when you have very sick patients needing emergent care.

My husband is a physician and I am soon to be one, insh'Allah. Residency hours are brutal and you usually only have time to sleep and eat when not in the hospital. Residency comes after med school so I don't really see how you will schedule time to learn and perform the duties of an Imam. My husband has to attend in-hospital jummah on Fridays as there is literally no time to leave to a mosque for even an hour.

This is strictly from someone who is expereienced in medicine and sees the real sacrifice it requires. I had wanted to become an alimah while simulaneously becoming a doctor and quickly realized this was not pragmatic or realistic. Insh'Allah I will be able to do so once I've been a physician after a few decades. For now I know the ummah is in desperate need of female physicians and pray Allah swt will accept my intention to help my fellow Muslimahs.