Before Islam...


Junior Member

I was wondering, what were people classed as before Islam? As in, Khadija (RA) accepted Islam after meeting our Prophet (PBUH), so what were her beliefs before she accepted Islam? I wonder what kinds of lifestyles people had back then, and what kinds of things they had to give up after accepting Islam...



'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}

I was wondering, what were people classed as before Islam? As in, Khadija (RA) accepted Islam after meeting our Prophet (PBUH), so what were her beliefs before she accepted Islam? I wonder what kinds of lifestyles people had back then, and what kinds of things they had to give up after accepting Islam...


asalaam aleykum;

good question !

to my thinking Islam was there similar to our nowadays ISLAM {I wonder what kinds of lifestyles people had back then, and what kinds of things they had to give up after accepting Islam...}
just imagine IF a Prophet will be sent Which side will he favour?
So the ones whose hearts was with Islam-faith will accept him,(in words and deeds)similar to seyyida: Khadija (R/A)

: that In Blue dont have to wonder It is Here infront your eyes Our ways not WAY of islam should.



La ilaha illa-Allah.
Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Rahim, well before Islam there still were some pious people, because think about it all the Prophets (Peace and blessing of Allah Subhanau wa Ta'ala The Almighty be upon them) were all Muslim's because they submitted to the Allah Subhanau wa Ta'ala The One God, and they all came with the same message. To worship only one god and that God is Allah Subhanau wa Ta'ala alone, so that's what "Allah" means "The One God" Subhanau wa Ta'ala. But when Prophet Muhammad sallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam came he perfected the religion by Allah Subhanau wa Ta'ala's giving the Qur'an to Angel Jibreel and telling Rasool'Allah sallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam how to pray, fast ect ect ect... And all of the Sunnah that's been said by Prophet Muhammad sallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam has been said from Allah Subhanau wa Ta'ala The Originator... And Allah Subhanau wa Ta'ala The Almighty The Perfect Knows Best.