Belief in God is Natural!


Young Muslim
INFANTS are hard-wired to believe in God, and atheism has to be learned, according to an Oxford University psychologist.

Dr Olivera Petrovich told a University of Western Sydney conference on the psychology of religion that even preschool children constructed theological concepts as part of their understanding of the physical world.

Pyschologists have debated whether belief in God or atheism was the natural human state. According to Dr Petrovich, an expert in psychology of religion, belief in God is not taught but develops naturally.

She told The Age yesterday that belief in God emerged as a result of other psychological development connected with understanding causation.

It was hard-wired into the human psyche, but it was important not to build too much into the concept of God. "It's the concept of God as creator, primarily," she said. Dr Petrovich said her findings were based on several studies, particularly one of Japanese children aged four to six, and another of 400 British children aged five to seven from seven different faiths.

"Atheism is definitely an acquired position," she said.

This was also proven by studying the remote areas of the world where there are still remote tribes.

They found these people who had no contact with the modern world to believe in God.

jazakAllahukhairan, yes what the Prophet, PBUH taught us is of a divine origin. Most people realize that, but they let their ego become an obstacle. They just can't picture themselves bowing down to God, istagfirAllah.
