Boycott of UN


New Member

Like many on this forum I am appalled by the violence that is perpetrated on the Muslims in the middle east specifically the Palestinians. With this onslaught occurring so often and the rest of the western world remaining silent, why is it not possible for Muslim countries threaten the rest of the world that they will boycott the UN or abandon it completely and form their own organization. I don't mean anything like the OIC! But one which will take the interest of the defence of all the Muslims world wide.

May Allah strengthen us with eeman and taqwa Ameen


Signing Out.....

That would be great but isn't going to be happening any time soon. The majority of these so called Muslim leaders are just mere puppets of the west :(



Staff member

Like many on this forum I am appalled by the violence that is perpetrated on the Muslims in the middle east specifically the Palestinians. With this onslaught occurring so often and the rest of the western world remaining silent, why is it not possible for Muslim countries threaten the rest of the world that they will boycott the UN or abandon it completely and form their own organization. I don't mean anything like the OIC! But one which will take the interest of the defence of all the Muslims world wide.

May Allah strengthen us with eeman and taqwa Ameen
Ameen :(

You should recognise the whole purpose of the UN and why it was set up and what their agenda actually is.

Its as useless as the League of Nations and undoubtedly, once its credibility vanishes in the minds of the public, it will just dissolve as the League did. The UN is a tool, a fraud organisation precieved as the "peace keepers" to reassure the general public of their countries "peaceful" motives, by being part of it a country can pretend to be the diplomatic voice in the political arena whilst in reality taking advantage of a poorer country, looting its resources and allowing genocide to take place as long as it was benefitting them in some way (Bosnia).

Muslim countries play the game just as much as non-muslim countries do, they have no interest in abandoning it, and ..which Muslim ruler are you talking about? i dont know of any of the top of my head.

When we have a few proper muslim leaders, then yes ofcourse we can look into building such a force inshaAllah.



Junior Member
UN is the department of united states than any thing else. Why isnt any single muslim ciountry has veto power?