

yes sister.. i agree with you ...we should bycot all the things which comes from these organizations r companies and so that they can feel the silient pain without any demostrations from we all know ther are some people they delibarately do these things to get publicity for there things just by pricking muslims through our we should understands their dirty plans and respond in a suitalbe way (like bycot etc) without any physical power but just by our brain power inshallah...Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) will help all muslims and help us to follow our deen (ameen)
Jazak Allah kheiran for bringing it here...may Allah(subhana wa ta'ala) reward you for ur good intensions....


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As-salaamu `alaykum,

The following question was put forward to the `Allaamah, Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, may Allaah preserve him.

Q. Noble Shaykh, if we are aware that our leader hasn’t commanded us to boycott Danish products and at the same time he never prohibited us from this. Is it permissible for me personally, in defence of the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ‘Alayhi wassallam), to boycott their goods, as I know that they will suffer a loss as a result this boycott?

A. This issue warrants a detailed (answer).
Firstly, If the leader commands (the people) to boycott (the products) of a certain country, then it is obligatory upon everyone to boycott them, because this is in their interests, it will harm the enemy and it is obeying the ruler. However, if the leader never commanded (the people to) boycott (these products), then it is at a persons own discretion. It is his choice whether he chooses to boycott or not.

This fatwa was taken from here, also check out

warda A

As-salaamu `alaykum,

The following question was put forward to the `Allaamah, Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan, may Allaah preserve him.

Q. Noble Shaykh, if we are aware that our leader hasn’t commanded us to boycott Danish products and at the same time he never prohibited us from this. Is it permissible for me personally, in defence of the Prophet (Salla Allaahu ‘Alayhi wassallam), to boycott their goods, as I know that they will suffer a loss as a result this boycott?

A. This issue warrants a detailed (answer).
Firstly, If the leader commands (the people) to boycott (the products) of a certain country, then it is obligatory upon everyone to boycott them, because this is in their interests, it will harm the enemy and it is obeying the ruler. However, if the leader never commanded (the people to) boycott (these products), then it is at a persons own discretion. It is his choice whether he chooses to boycott or not.

This fatwa was taken from here, also check out

jazakallahu kheiran, that was quite informative.
people should make choices better choices for them, demonstrating in the streets and being violent destroys the purpose of the demonstration in the first place and as long as we still depend on their products their isn't much we can really do, so people think very hard before you act.

always watch your tougue, oh your pen



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As-salaamu `alaykum.

BaarakAllaahu feeki. Many of the scholars say that demo's are haraam anyway. I mean the purpose (or part of their purpose) is to raise awareness, yet everything about them seem to be in such contradiction to the shari`ah.


Are demonstrations considered to be a means from the legitimate means of Da’wah?


All praise and thanks are to Allaah, the Lord of the creations, and may He send prayers and peace upon our chief Muhammad, upon his family, and his Companions, and upon those who follow them in righteousness until the Last Day.

As to what follows:

Indeed, the concept of demonstrations is a new, modern issue. It was not known in the time of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), nor in the time of the rightly-guided Khalifahs, nor in the time of any of the Companions (رضى الله عنهما).

Furthermore, the chaos and disorder that is included in it make it an impermissible matter, so much so that (in includes acts like) the breaking of glass, doors, etc. Results from it, also included within it, is the mixing between men and women, the youth and the elderly, and similar to that from corruptions and detestable things.

As for the issue of putting pressure upon the government; if it is a Muslim government, then sufficient for it as an admonishment is the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم). This is the best of what could possibly be brought before any Muslim. If it (the government) is a disbelieving one, then it would not even care about these ‘demonstrators’ and perhaps it would behave politely with them outwardly, while inwardly remaining upon what it was on of evil. For this reason, we hold that demonstrations are detestable actions.

As for their statements that these demonstrations are peaceful ones, then perhaps they may be peaceful in the beginning or the first time, yet then they become destructive. So I advise the youth to follow the path of those who have proceeded, for indeed Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى) has praised the Muhaajireen and the Ansaar and has praised those who followed them in righteousness.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen
aj-Jawaab al-Abhar li Fu'aad Siraaj (Page 75)

Taken from

In addition, Shaykh Hamood At-Tuwaijiree said,

"...However, the proclomations of the ignorant people in their demostrations and their shouting, "Long live So-and-So," or, "Down with So-and-So," is not something that intelligent people do, let alone a kind of jihaad. It is merely a manifestation of ignorance, foolishness, and chaos..."

See this article at for more info. The Shaykh is refuting Shaykh Abu Bakr Al-Jazaa'iree (who is a teacher at the haram) for a mistake he made in quoting/reading a particular hadeeth


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I also found a similar fatwa of Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan on boycotting,

[Q]: "Oh noble Shaykh, in the newspapers these days it is written that there is a call to boycott the American products, and to stop the buying and selling of these products. Also, from this is the claim that appeared in one the newspapers that the 'Ulamaa. (scholars of Islaam) have called for the boycotting of these products and that this is something that is obligatory upon every individual Muslim, and that buying even a single one of these products (produced in America) is forbidden (haraam), and that the person who does this has done a major sin (Kabeerah), and that he is helping these people (the Americans) and helping the Jews in their fighting against the Muslims. So I hope from your eminence that you can give some clarity regarding this matter due to there being a need for that. And is a person rewarded (by Allaah) for this action (of boycotting American goods)?"

[A]: Firstly, I request a photocopy of this statement in specific from the newspaper that is mentioned here by the questioner. Secondly, this is not correct. The scholars have not given a fatwa (religious verdict) declaring the goods produced by America to be forbidden (haraam), and the goods from America are still being imported and sold in the market places of the Muslims (i.e. in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), and these products that you buy from America are still available. There has been no religious verdict issued against this.

Cutting off relations and boycotting is not to be done unless there is a decree issued by the Muslim authorities. If the authorities issue a decree calling for the prohibition (of particular goods) or boycotting a country from among the many countries, then it is obligatory to boycott that country. However, in reference to individuals who want to do this or they give religious verdicts that this is something forbidden, then this is a declaration of forbiddance that Allaah has not allowed. It is not permissible to do this. Yes.

Taken from Check out for the original


spread the peace
Assalamu alaikom ,

Thanks sister for raising this issue for discussion
I would like to confirm my refusal to the demonstration as a way of takling problems.
All what we need is to be positively united acting as one hand towards any issue especially the demanding ones such as boycotting.