Burden Of Life


Junior Member
Burden Of Life

God will not give you a burden you can't handle.

If you ever find yourself in a mess
which seems impossible to resolve...
Take it as a compliment.

God thinks you can do it.

Love is the ocean which accepts all manner of rivers without questioning their origin.

Don't tell God how big your storm is;
Tell the storm how big your God is!!!!!

Do not hide the treasures in your heart in fear that they will be stolen - instead share them and find they multiply

Do not value the THINGS you have in your life..
But value WHO you have in your life

Touch someone with your love.
Rather than focus upon the thorns of life,
smell the roses and count your blessings!

Wishing Your Days Be Filled With
Happiness, Peace And Good Health...


jazakalah khair for sharing it.
very beneficial :ma:
May ALLAh bless you and make everything easy for you.Ameen