calling all computer boffins


Junior Member

I know im inteligent, brainy, a member of mensa, but unfortunately i have a type of I.T. dyslexia. It seems that no matter what I do this darn computer wont do what i want it to do!!

Ok what i want to do lectures etc onto my computer and play them. downloading them is fine, but playing them is the problem. they are in a .ram format and i cant for the life of me figure out how to change it/ play it using quick time or media player etc.

Someone please tell me how to do it. I dont want to have to pay for these things when they are free online!!!!! Besides getting into Al-hidayaah on coventry rd with a push chair is not an easy task!!!!!


um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member
As salamu alaykum sister,
I wish to help u but......I'am ZERO about this kind of things....sorry!


Penguin fancier
As salaamu alaykum, chwaer bach

Bite the bullet and download Real Player :p

Or try Winamp. I think that can play .ram files (iirc).

Wa salaam


Junior Member

jazakallah foas for being a member of mensa...i will keep you guessing. their tests are good fun u know....worth a try, for some brain excercise



well to switch the format u would have to use a program by the name "Switch",i guess i cannot name its source site on TTI, so inshAllah you will find it EASILY if u SeArCh. :)