Can any1 answer this?


New Member
Hi to the brothers and sisters on this site, hope you are all in good health and peace.
I was debating recetly to a person who is muslim but not very practicing, who is also a smoker. We had a random debate on smoking, and we evantually came up with the arguement of smoking in the same room where the Qu'ran may be kept. In others words i wanted to know, is it permissible to smoke in the same room where the Qu'ran is kept, even if it may be on the highest shelf and covered?
Thank you!
Take care bros and sisters
:hijabi: :hijabi: :hijabi:


Junior Member
using my own knowledge smoking is haram no matter where it is done

where people smoke if they smoke with the intention to show disrespect to the Quran thats Haram but i think if its accidental i dont think it would be... Allah knows best

A view and possible answer from ur less knowlegdable brother in islam


Building Bridges
I would suggest you to call him/her back to the real Islam first.

Smoking etc. is a minor issue.


Junior Member
I agree that the call to Islam is of far more Importance than smoking and you should try give to talk to him/her about that, five pillars. Inshallah that will help him/her then to give up the cigs!!!


New Member
I have told this person that smoking is haram but since it is an addictive habit it is hard for them to stop. Also when i mention praying 5 times a day is obligatory on every muslim he mentions that his work and busy student life means he cannot else can i tell him that he is losing out on what is obligatory on him?


Junior Member
Tell him to read the prophets biography, it will make his heart leaner. He can/ you can find it on amazon its called Muhammed his life based on the earliest sources written by Martin Lings. Its the best out there, many reverted (conveted) becasue of Allah through it al hamdulilAh
:salam2: . Smoking is HARAM in islam.

A Message to Every Smoker by Amr Khaled

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

The subject of this lecture is: A Message to Every Smoker

It is a message to the boys and girls, and to our parents who smoke. It is to everyone who smokes. In fact, I don’t want to start off by saying firm words of how wrong smoking is. And I don’t want to begin with the diseases that you will eventually develop, or what is going happen to you. No, I want to start with a different approach. I want to start off with a caring word. At the end of the day, you are my brother in Islam.

My cousins are smokers, and perhaps half of my family. My relatives and your relatives, my father and your father; we are all one big family, one nation and one country. All of us are gathered under one religion, one land. And that is why I want to start off with a few caring words.

And these words are that I cannot stand to see you in this horrific situation, threatening your life and your body, exhausting your country, and nation. So, can I request something from you? Can you give me a few moments and listen to what I would like to say?

Ask yourselves: Why do you smoke? Let us tackle this issue in detail. The following factors will be addressed:

The psychological factor
The medical factor
The disease factor
The economic factor
Our children's sociological factor
Our country’s needs
And the religious factor; what our religion says about this issue.
We will move between these seven points and see how smoking affects you. Maybe you won’t be convinced with the first point, but I advise you to carry on reading until the end. So let us start with: Why do you smoke?

Psychological studies claim that there are 3 reasons for smoking.

1- As a result of facing neural pressure, fatigue, or a disaster. Thus the smoker thinks that with a cigarette, he can overcome this pressure.

2- As a means to gain friends, as their friends smoke. So, he starts smoking with them. Smoking is sadly spread among youth, and even among elders. Smoking for Social reasons i.e. smoking because of friendship.

3- The smoker thinks that he is more attractive with a cigarette in his hand. Especially the youth and teenagers who think that people will admire him, and that it will boost his self-confidence, so as to put an end to the confusion and embarrassment that he normally feels.

These are the fundamental reasons for smoking, and as a matter of fact, these above reasons are all illusions; they are not true.

• The first excuse is that smoking decreases your stress, and increases your concentration while you are working. The following words that I am going to add aren’t Islamic Scholars’ or my words. It is medical proof that smoking does not decrease stress at all. Instead it sometimes increases fanaticism influence which results from smoking. This is since smoking exhausts the body (as you’ll see in statistics later on) and cannot and will not enable you to concentrate.

• The second excuse is social smoking; the person smokes because his friends smoke. Don’t be offended, but you have a weak personality because you are imitating others. They are dying slowly, or they are committing suicide, and you’re imitating them just for the sake of it! Where is your intellect? Where is your strong personality? Didn’t you hear our Prophet's Hadith: ‘Do not, anyone of you, be a blind fool, where if the people did well, you would do well, and if they did bad, you would do bad. But unite yourselves (be strong).’ Why did the Prophet use the word unite? Because people usually love their country, and he (peace be upon him) told us do the right things for the love of our country. So if people did well, you would too, and if they did wrong, do not misguide yourself and follow them. And you are misguiding yourself by smoking. If all your friends smoke, don’t be like them! Where is your strong personality? Don’t ever be weak!

• Now the third excuse, the most popular excuse. Brother, the cigarette never makes a man, and never builds a man, on the contrary! Try to look at a smoker when he takes part in a sporting activity. After 3 minutes, you’ll find that this 20 year old is out of breath like an old man over 60! What do you feel my brother when you can’t run for 50 miles? You’d feel weak; you’d feel that you don’t have the ability to do anything. Girls who smoke and feel that it makes them more attractive and charming; did you know that smoking affects most of the facial muscles and skin quality? It would leave your face to shrivel when you reach the age of 35! It also leads to early weakness and disrepair in the shape of your face.

The Medical factor

Listen to this disturbing report which the International Health Organization announced. The organization claims that 4 million people die yearly as a result of smoking. This report predicts that this number will increase to 10 million people by the year 2020.

This is a disaster brother! It is a disaster which is more powerful than the two bombs that were thrown on Japan in 1945. These bombs resulted in killing 0.25 million people! Imagine 0.25 million people were killed by two nuclear bombs while smoking results in killing twice this number yearly. 4 million people die from smoking. The problem is the fact that you don’t feel this because you are already dying slowly. When you have been smoking for 20 years, the result is to become one of the 4 million people who will die every year; 0.5 are women. Can you imagine that you will die after a number of years due to smoking? This was aimed to the smokers. However, passive smokers, who aren’t smokers, but sit in a room full of smoke, will also die from inhaling smoke. Hence he will die because of you Mr. Smoker. So not only are you killing yourself, but innocent people around you. Passive smokers are less at risk of dying from smoke, however some do die. And these are your own children! Your friends! Your unborn baby if you are a pregnant lady who smokes! Have you witnessed how you cause the death of others? Do you now know why these 4 million people will increase to 10 million in the next few years?

The Disease Factor

Do you want to know the diseases which smoking provokes?

There are 2 types of diseases:

Cancer diseases.
Chronic diseases.
Let us go through the Cancer Diseases that results from smoking.

Mouth and Pharynx Cancer
Larynx and throat cancer
Lung cancer
Pancreas cancer
Kidney cancer
Urinary bladder cancer
Do you see how many cancer diseases there are? It isn’t that easy.

The second types of diseases are the Chronic Diseases.

Artery disease
Heart Disease
Lung Disease
Can you imagine that all of these diseases result from smoking?! Moreover, another result from smoking is the disability to have any children at all. A lot of people suffer from this problem!

For women who smoke, she is liable to:

Uterus cancer
Multiple abortion
Low weight of new born babies
Increase of miscarriages.
Imagine how smoking affects you, my sister, and you did not know.

The most widespread disease is lung cancer. It is the greatest killer as a result of smoking. In Lebanon, 3,500 people die yearly from smoking. In the Gulf, 14,000 die yearly from smoking. In Egypt, 26% of the country's people suffer from diseases related to smoking. 26% is more than a quarter of the population that suffers from smoking! Can you imagine these statistics?!

For the Pregnant Lady

You have very difficult problems. I don’t know how a mother claims to love her child, yet smokes while she is pregnant! Where is the love to your child? Where is your mercy on him? Can a mother be selfish to this extent? Isn’t your baby precious?

Let’s read the facts which Scientists have reported about pregnant ladies who smoke:

Incomplete pregnancy period.
Giving birth to a small sized baby.
The death of the baby after his birth, directly because the mother was exposed to passive smoking. (This is to the non-smoking mother, who sits next to smokers. So imagine what would happen to the pregnant ladies who do smoke!)
The incomplete growth of the lungs.
The sudden death to the baby while he is young, after his birth.
Respiration System Disease
Asthma and ear infection
Imagine all this can happen to you my dear pregnant sister if you are smoking, or if you silently accepted to sit in a place where you become a passive smoker.

I will tell you facts which the International Health Organization announced. Can you imagine that as a result of smoking, the death rate is higher than the death rate of drugs and alcohol? This doesn’t mean that smoking is more harmful than drugs and alcohol. No. Less people take drugs and alcohol because they believe it is more harmful than smoking; so the percentage of people who take drugs and alcohol is less.

For example, the number of smokers who died in the USA as a result of smoking is a significant figure; 400,000 people die yearly. Those who die as a result of alcohol are 125,000 people a year. While 20,000 die from drugs! In the UK, the numbers of smokers who die are 110,000 people, while those who die as a result of alcohol are 25,000! Imagine that! Here in the Middle East, the percentages are similar. The percentages of people who die from smoking is double the amount than drugs and alcohol. 4 million people die yearly.

As a result of this, the Hadith from Prophet Mohamed says: “Be aware of degrading sins. They come together on the person until they destroy him”.

So you repeat this sin until it accumulates and destroys you. Notice the Prophet used the word ‘destroy’. It clarifies the physical destruction which occurs through smoking. This sin destroys you! And remember that you will stand in front of God with these huge sins.

Brother, how can you kill yourself? How can you destroy yourself slowly? The problem in all these of the death statistics we went though is one of the contents in the cigarette. This is nicotine, the main content.

What is nicotine?

It is poison. It was originally used as insect annihilative! Want to know its negative effect? Leave some tobacco in water, if a cat came and drank this water, it would die in a moment! Scientists brought some nicotine and injected it to a rabbit, it died immediately! All of the ideas that say cigarette companies give nicotine in low dosages: the poison is spreading through your body until it reaches the lungs. Take another puff of smoke, now the poison has entered the arteries. Take another puff, now the poison is in your heart and blood. Take another puff, and it is in your respiratory system. Take more puffs and allow more poison to enter your body until you are surely dead.

Do you believe that one cigarette contains 4000 chemical compounds! I will give you an unbelievable example. You are exactly like the car's exhaust pipe, can you imagine that? Can you imagine the difficulties that your body and your lungs face with your cigarette? I want to reach to a point with you. Can you understand what are you doing to yourself? Because you are in the habit of smoking, so it has become second nature to you! No, it's not that simple, and because we love you, we won’t sit silently. And because we love our countries and our nation, we won’t sit silently. Because it is so dangerous that the whole nation is losing! Smoking make us tired, with the inability to achieve any success in life. No motivation to build your life means there is no hope for our nation to succeed. Therefore, currently in the West they are attempting to decrease the percentages of smokers! Smoking in the West is now an old fashion! The higher class and the respectable people are rejecting the idea completely because they know it is a harmful and disgusting habit! And those who smoke are (I'm sorry to say) irresponsible. People cannot treat him as a responsible person because he knows well that he is killing himself still continues to smoke. Smoking means gradually killing those around you who are subjected to your smoke. Gradually killing the nation, gradually killing yourself. You are giving yourself the poison in a low dosage rather than giving the whole dosage to you at one time! This is the medical factor and the psychological factor. Let’s go on to the economic factor.

The Economic Factor

The economists claim that in Egypt alone people are consuming 80 billion cigarettes a year. The Arab world spends 22 million dollars on cigarettes alone. Instead of spending that amount of money on developing and improving our countries, paying our debts and changing our economic condition. Can you imagine that the Egyptian government spends 3 Billion pounds to treat the diseases which result from smoking! Can you imagine that in the last 25 years the Saudia Arabian government also spent 3 billion dollars to treat diseases resulting from smoking! Imagine that the 3 largest cigarette companies’ carried 90% of the whole market’s selling’s in 1998 with 88 billion dollars! Imagine that our countries consume 52% from these companies! This means that we are spending our money to kill ourselves and giving this money to others! In other words, we are dying twice! Let’s calculate it. Do you know that you pay 3 times for the cigarette? The first time is when you spend money to buy the cigarette. The second time is when you go for treating the disease, and surely this costs more. The third time is when you go to treat your children from disease, and these costs more than the first and the second time! How often do you smoke daily? One packet of cigarettes a day or more? What type of cigarettes do you smoke? Imported cigarettes or national ones? How long have you been smoking for? If you have lived until the age of 65 or 70, how many cigarettes have you smoked? How much money have you spent? Are you able to calculate it? Calculate how much money you spent on smoking. Then calculate how much you will spend treating the diseases. I think it is going to be a huge amount. Hundreds and thousands of pounds, right?! You could spend this money to live comfortably, travel here and there; you could buy a beautiful house, or change your car. You could have done a lot of things with that amount. You could have done a lot to your religion. You could have had the chance to go to heaven, but what a loss! What you have done is taken this money and fired it up. Seriously, whenever you want to smoke, light a cigarette and at the same time light up 50p. I think you'll feel how much loss which is occurring everytime you smoke. As long as you smoke, look at the money while it burns.

Now I must move to the youth who smoke. If you play some sport, in 5 minutes you will be able to find out who, out of your friends, is a smoker. Non-smoking people who are 40 years old are more active than smokers who are 20 years old. You will witness how tired and exhausted he is. Are you satisfied with this youth? Are you satisfied when your face wrinkles my sister? To fathers and mothers who smoke, when your child hears the verse from the Qur’an that states: “Please god, have mercy on them like they grew me when I was young”

When your child hears this, he will remember that you paid well on him, and gave him tenderness and love-but destroyed his health. Where is the mercy then? It's very dangerous when your child watches you destroy yourself! From this, the child says: ‘my father is a good person, but not a good leader, and since he harms himself through his way, I'll do the same but in my own way.’ So don’t be astonished if you found out that your child takes drugs. He will start off with cigarettes, but soon he will develop this evil until it ends in a certain way, and only God only knows how it will end! And didn’t you think that you are the main reason for this? It is you who is going to be asked by God one day. Even if your child doesn’t smoke, can’t you imagine that you are destroying his health? There are various statistics that claim that children who are raised in a smoking environment are more affected to lung and respiratory system diseases, 65% higher than the normal child. This is in addition to the low growth of the child's mind and body as a result of growing up in a smoking environment. You really are killing your child! You don’t love him! I swear you don’t love him. You are destroying his attitude and his health.

We have completed the psychological, medical, and economic factors. How many people here haven’t these words influenced in any way?! Come on then, and listen to God’s words. Listen to your religion.

What does Religion says about Smoking?

The first thing to begin with is the Islamic Scholars’ ruling. These rulings are collected from different countries; so that it shows the fact that it doesn’t concern one country from the other.

The first ruling is from Egypt from Dar Al Efta.

Smoking with all its kinds is Haram (a sin) in Shariah law. On 5-9-1999 Dar Al Efta released a Shariah advisory, declaring that smoking is absolutely haram. It claims that science recently proved the harms of first hand smoking, and passive smoking. This is evident from the diseases obtained by smoking, and by wasting money, which God has forbidden us to do. God says: “God has mercy on you, so don’t kill yourselves”. Moreover, the Almighty says: “Don’t throw yourselves in ruin”. Thus, smoking is haram in all Shariah laws.

Imagine what God said in the Holy Qur’an! Don’t kill yourself! What will you say to God when you stand before Him? What will you say when God asks you, why did you kill yourself for over 20 years by smoking? Will you be able to find an answer? Will you say to His Almighty, ‘I am sorry’?!

Listen to this Hadith: "The two feet of a servant will not move from their places until he is asked about four things: about his youth and how he spent it; and about his lifespan and what he did with it; and about what how well he acted upon his knowledge; and about his earnings - where he got it from and what he spent it on."

Let’s state details of this Hadith. No person will go to either heaven or hell until he asked four things. Imagine this! God will be asking you, while you are completely alone, naked, and barefoot four questions! And imagine that these four questions have a relation to smoking! And be careful, all the medical information that you heard today will stand as evidence before you. His Almighty remind you of the tape you heard about the medical harms of smoking.

The first question: in about his lifespan and what he did with it? (Can you answer this?)
The second question: how did you spend your youth? (Youth is a very precious age!)
The third one: about your money, from where did you earn it and where did you spend it? (Answer this, can you? Where did you spend your money?)
The fourth one: What was your use with the science you knew? (Didn’t you know my dear brother that smoking is haram?
You heard the advice about it and heard the medical opinion. What did you do with this knowledge?)

I will tell you another Hadith:

“The angels are harmed from the things that harm humans”. This means that Angels cannot sit in a place which is filled with smoke, because they are harmed by it. Can you imagine this? You are harming the Angels! Any place full of smoke, wont’ have any Angels. So who will you find there? Surely devils! Can you accept this concept? Can you be satisfied when you know that you kicked out the Angels from your house? I think it is very painful, right?

The second Shariah advisory is from the Kingdom of Saudia Arabia. The Islamic Scholars said that:

Smoking is haram and to commerce in it is also haram because of the many sins it holds. In a Hadith it states: “Don’t harm and don’t be harmed”

Another advisory from the association of Saudia Arabian scholars state that:

All types of smoking are Haram. The evidence is from God’s words: “God have mercy on you, so don’t kill yourself”. Moreover, God says: “Don’t throw yourself in ruin”. Medical researchers proved that since it is harmful, it is haram. The verse which supports this is: and the evidence his almighty words “Don’t give your money to ignorant people which god provided for you”. This is a dangerous statement because in their opinion, you are not allowed to give charity since you are burning your money! So how could you give charity! It is a scary advisory; it makes you think a hundred times before you give your money to a person who smokes!

All these words were just to say: YOU HAVE TO STOP SMOKING. HOW CAN YOU STOP IT?

First, you must know that a lot of people have made this step, and stopped smoking. As I was saying before, people in west have stopped smoking. For those who like to imitate the west, copy them and stop smoking! It is now an old fashioned habit. Can you imagine the percentage of the American people who stopped smoking from 1964 till 1986 reached 30 million! And in Britain, 20 million people stopped in last 20 years! And more than 70% of British people have been seriously trying to stop smoking in the last 2 years! The whole world is trying to stop and we Muslims can’t Can this be? Is our will this weak? Is our will less than theirs?

Statistics show that 15% of European people stopped smoking with no problems. It also states that some individuals failed to initially quit. However they succeeded in the second or the third attempt to quit. And you can’t stop it? Why? Where is your will?! God has given us a special month every year to learn to have strong will: Ramadan. How could you say that you cannot quit when you did during Ramadan! You fasted in Ramadan and broke your fast on something Haram!

Some time ago, I sat with a western man. He was saying that we are such lucky people. I asked him why? He replied: because your religion made laws for you to strength your will but in our countries we don’t have these things! I wasn’t happy with these words. I was in pain! I pitied us. How could a western man say this about us and we don’t even feel this gratitude to our religion?

Go and quit smoking. Begin by promising that you won’t ever smoke a cigarette again. You’re saying it is hard to quit like this. Ok, stop gradually, but seriously. This means that you will start to decrease one or two cigarettes daily. Do it with sincerity and honesty and determination. Don’t you ever be a slave to a cigarette. Who is stronger? A cigarette? You know, when you really quit smoking, you'll discover that you are a very strong person. And for the youth, is it manliness to be strong in front of yourself or is it is manliness to hold a cigarette?! Be a true man. Don’t make a habit control you, be stronger than your habits.

And for the sisters, this isn’t the sign of freedom. Western girls have stopped smoking because they discovered that their mothers are dying from it. This does not display your femininity, it decreases it. Do you know how people look to you? One of two things: if you are a young smoking girl, they look to you as a…..and if you are a mature lady; they look to you as …… I can’t say the word! But I swear people look at you differently when they see you holding a cigarette.

Did all the things I have said not influence you? I'm swearing to you by Allah to stop now. Stop it and Allah will help you. Remember Allah and determine yourself to quit. And then you can meet Allah on the Day of Judgment and tell Him "God! I stopped smoking for your sake because I knew it is a sin, and because I knew that you would ask me about it. Please Allah; forgive me. And He will forgive you, God willing.

What about those who say they can’t quit? What will you say to God? Don’t give me the excuse that it is just a small sin, and that you have a bigger sins. We just quoted the Hadith of our Prophet Mohamed “be aware of degrading sins, they come together on the person till they destroy him”. You know you are in a bad situation. Change yourself and meet God pure from this sin. Do you know, if you tried to stop this, God will help you to stop many other things that you think you can’t. I'll tell something that will help. How did the westerners quit? I'll tell you something that will pain you. When they started to quit smoking, the cigarette companies wanted to keep their million pounds of profit. They replaced every person who stopped smoking with 3 of our youth in our countries; under 18. Isn’t it haram to see them controlling us this way? Percentages of their smokers are decreasing and our smokers are increasing dramatically. They are succeeding while we are failing.

Before I end this lecture, I must tell you how the 30 million westerners quit smoking. The USA and UK discovered that they must decrease the rate of smokers in their countries. Put in mind that it's not haram in their religion. However, they found that their countries were spending millions of pounds on treatment for diseases that occurs from smoking. They took many steps. The first was to put warning statements on cigarette boxes like “smoking is harmful to you health” and “smoke causes death”. But they discovered that the percentage of smokers was not decreasing, so they made these warnings cover 40% of the cigarette box. Governments (especially in Canada) made cigarette companies put pictures of babies who were born deformed, as a result of smoking. They also put diagrams of the heart and how it affects the heart. They found that the percentage of smokers were decreasing but at a low rate.

So, they decided to stop the advisements except in the places where people would buy the cigarettes. The rate decreased, but a lot of people still smoke. So they raised the taxes on cigarettes, and also raised the price but people still smoke.They discovered something unusual. Cigarette companies had placed a picture in the people's minds, that the smoker is attractive and handsome. They also made women believe that it gives them freedom, makes them more attractive, and helps in concentration.These companies fooled people by their advertisements. And so they decided to change the picture in people's minds by making the picture of the smoker as opposing one that was drawn originally. A picture of a man that isn’t attractive or handsome. And so, they made a law to prevent smoking in public places. The employee who wishes to smoke has to go outside and smoke in the cold weather. They made the smoker as an outcast in society. And that is why 30 million people quit smoking, because they felt that they are bad people in society.

They also made a small room for the smokers, called the smoking area. So the smokers felt ashamed. In restaurants, they made smoking areas beside the kitchens and toilets. They have forbidden passengers from smoking on plane, even if the flight is for 10 hours. In the airport they made a smoking room with windows all around it, to allow every passing person to look at them caged up in a small room, smoking. How humiliating!

They made all of these changes in a good mannered procedure. They said if you want to harm yourself, go ahead, but don’t harm us with you, as it is your right to smoke, it is my right to breathe fresh, pure air. They made these steps by starting with the government who made the laws, so the people themselves felt they are responsible. We began this campaign and asked people to write everywhere ‘don’t harm us with your cigarette.’ We are trying to help you to quit this habit. Please don’t smoke at home, among people, at work, in hospitals, in universities. Please don’t kill your children. If you want to smoke and kill yourself, please don’t harm me, don’t kill us with you. Please have some mercy. Don’t ever say they can quit and we can’t. We are the source of will, and we are the ones who have the strongest will. We are Muslims.

While I was preparing the subject of this message, I sat with one of the responsible people about marketing in one of the biggest tobaccos companies worldwide. From the good news is that the ministry of medicines in Egypt published laws preventing any one to smoke within the ministry. The governments in our countries made efforts like the governments in the west. The only thing remaining is ourselves, our responsibilities to say no to any smoker. I say my last words to the fathers and mothers: please don’t smoke at home, especially in front of your children. Raise them to acknowledge that smoking is wrong and make them hate it. Don’t ever send them to buy cigarettes for you.

The only issue remaining is about Shisha (Water pipe) which is a million times more harmful than cigarettes. And since boys and girls have the habit of smoking Shisha, this doesn’t mean that it is less harmful. 15 years in our countries, the ones who smoked Shisha were seen as low class. Be aware that the 4 million people that die every year, half of them die because of Shisha. Don’t fool your self and say Shisha is less harmful than cigarettes. This isn’t true. The smokers of Shisha are more affected by mouth cancer and lung cancer, so it is not less harmful than cigarettes. This is scientifically proven: One Shisha is worth 55 cigarettes. And still you say that it isn’t harmful! Moreover, all the scholars say it is haram for a certain reason. The fruity smell contained inside comes from corrupted fruits that turned into alcohol. Then it is one of the big sins in Islam! Imagine a country like Thailand (a country so far from our religion) prohibited the smoking of Shisha. This was the decision from the President. Do you know why?! Because it leads to uncivilized behavior. Do you know why I'm saying these words? Frankly because Shisha became a place for the unemployed, hence they would occupy their time with this. Once a girl said to me, ‘while I was smoking Shisha, I noticed that it smells different. When I asked why, they told me they had put Marijuana in!’ And the girl said I didn’t know that it had marijuana, but since then I had the courage to take drugs!

Shisha (water-pipe smoking) won’t build our nation. People can’t be excited to any development plans, or civilization success with this thing spreading among our youth. The most dangerous thing is that it changes the social face of our life. Ask any wife, her husband spends his time at the café smoking Shisha. Cafes have become trendier, but who are the people who sit on it? What issues do they talk about? And what are they going to do after they smoke it? This is a huge collapse in our society, an early kill to the minds of boys and girls. Where is the shame of the self? I swear by God, Shisha makes you fail in your life. 15 or 20 years ago, it was impossible that a woman would smoke Shisha; they considered it as an insult. Shisha is haram, it corrupts society, and it kills the minds of our youth. They think they are smoking and killing time, but they don’t know that they are killing themselves and their bodies. At least cigarettes are smoked while working, but Shisha really kills time. I want any woman to ask a man, even if he is a smoker of Shisha, “Do you respect the woman who smokes Shisha?” Just ask and judge for yourself.

I just have a few final words to say. They are 3 requests from you.

The First: You must quit smoking now. Either at once or gradually so you can meet God on the Day of Judgment saying, I quit for the sake of Allah.
The Second: Please don’t harm us with your smoke.
The Third: Send this document to every smoker. Give me a hand to let smokers read this. Please send it to your friends and family.
I hope you have received the meanings behind these words. I ask god to help you and regain your will to stop this bad habit. I love you my dear smoking brother/sister for Allah’s sake, and that is why I presented these words today. So please stop smoking now. You will succeed!

All praise and thanks are due to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Abu Sarah

Allahu Akbar
Staff member
Assalam Alaykum

smoking is haram even he is smoking alone ..but Really that is much haram when he was smoking in same Room..

It is also well known that a believer should not put himself in a position where he causes disturbance or annoyance to his brothers

plz tell him that: somking is Haram and give him this Reminder:

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed into a plain error”
[al-Ahzaab 33:36]

plz check this link out : Ruling on smoking and chewing tobacco

i leave u Allah in care of Allah


ibn azem

Super Moderator
Staff member


May Allah (swt) reward the brothers and sisters for their answers/opinions. As you were given the answers on smoking itself, I would also advise you to try your best to give the person some da'wa and provide with any good books or videos on Islam.

You try to bring the person up from smoking and that is good, but the most efficient way is for the person to get back to the Deen first (i.e. performing Salah regularly, reading the Qur'an and Hadeeth, books etc.) which will strengthen the Eeman of the person insha'Allah.

And after that you only need one Ayah or Hadeeth that points to the prohibition of things that damage our health and those around us and the person will immediately start reflecting on things more, and the person will try to quit smoking that way much easier, as I personaly have experienced many times around me.:)

May Allah (swt) reward you for the good intentions and the efforts you make insha'Allah.


abdul Qadir

remember death
when i mention praying 5 times a day is obligatory on every muslim he mentions that his work and busy student life means he cannot pray...

I begin with the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful. Peace and blessings be upon Rasulullah Salallahu aleyhi wasalam

when it reaches a state that one would prefer to work\study and would not have time to pray ....then i think you should remind him of his purpose of existance coz Allah says ..

"And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me" (Quran, 51:56)

we will be punished for not praying

" Every soul is held in pledge for what it earns," (Quran,74:38 )
" Except the people of the right hand,"(Quran,74:39 )
" In gardens, they shall ask each other" (Quran,74:40)
" About the guilty:"(Quran,74:41)
" What has brought you into hell? "(Quran,74:42 )
" They shall say: We were not of those who prayed;"(Quran,74:43 )

peace and mercy of Allah be with y'all


New Member
thank you so much for your advice, it has really helped
insha'Allah i will pass the message on, and he will realise


trying to be Mu'min

Smoking is Haram:confused: ..I heard it is Karahath (i.e Makrooh)... , is allowed here in Saudi Arabia?:confused:

Can anybody provide proof about this statement




Signing Out.....

In the UK and in many places, smoking is allowed as it's always been seen as 'socially acceptable' habbit. Nowadays, the health risks of smoking have been well documented yet it is still legal. Why? Mainly because of the revenue it brings in for the government through tax.



Junior Member
Asalaamu alaykum

Brothers and sister

The person who can,t stop to smoke,how he can save his life to hell?
the preson can guide his life, but the life can,t a guide a person to the paradise.

Just if u follow what the life likes u r in dangerous,some people says I smoke and I can,t stop and they want to miss torments inposible.

wabilahi towfiiq

Saifu deen

Assalam Alykom

There are certain ways to approach the smoker. Saying '' Haram'' isnt the solution. I've read the article by ''Amr Khaled'', and I love this brother for the sake of Allah. He approached the matter by being gentle, and soft mashallah.
I used to smoke 40 cig in the past. I have started from the age of 15 because I heard my father used to smoke but quite when I was born. looking at my father today, Diabetic, Heart stroke (smoking related) and blood pressure. He takes 30 tablets a day for his heart problem. The reason he quite when his friend passed away from smoking related illness. I have stopped smoking ( on and off for a while but now for good alhamdullah), not because its Haram but because I realize what it really contains (I heard Shaiekh saying ''it contains alcohol, that way it doesnt burn so quickly). Smokers in Arab countries specially ''Egypt'' is very high indeed....

As an ex smoker, I know cig from Arab countries is simply one way ticket to death, higher nicotine, and the west specially designed one for the ladies in the Arab countries (Why muslim countries suffer higher smoking related illness than the west, isnt because thats another way to destory us). Alhamdullah I dont contribute (by purchasing )in helping them making profit to re-produce a higher toxic cigs and ads to my brothers and sister. Pray for Allah to give my father health inshallah...

Wassalam ALykom....


New Member
al sallam alikoum

السلام عليكم
انا ابحث عن زوجة دخلت فى الأسلام حديثا
و لايوجد عندى اى شروط فقط
زوجة تحب الأسلام و تتقى اللة وتريد الزواج من رجل عربى
انا من مصر
al sallam alikoum
I am Ehab from Egypt looking for wife became moslem recentaly . and wish to live in Egypt real islamic way.
no condation just wife need janaat inshallah
ehab from Egypt

email ihabrostom*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!
icq 153422050