Can any person provide sustenance or repel harm from another?
Allaah is ar-Razzaaq (the Provider), Dhul-Quwwat il-Mateen (the Posesser of Strong Power) and He is the One who responds to the one in difficulty when he calls upon Him and He removes the evil and repels the harm (from such a one). As for a living person, then Allaah can sometimes make him a means (sabab) in the provision of sustenance to another person, or in repelling harm from him by Allaah the Most High's permission. As for him on his own, then he cannot control benefit or harm for himself or others besides him.
Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Shaykh `Abdullah bin Ghudayaan
Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee
Shaykh `Abdullaah bin Munee`
Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, Vol 1 page 30, Fatwa No. 9688, compiled by Shaykh Ahmad ad-Duwaish.
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Can any person provide sustenance or repel harm from another?
Allaah is ar-Razzaaq (the Provider), Dhul-Quwwat il-Mateen (the Posesser of Strong Power) and He is the One who responds to the one in difficulty when he calls upon Him and He removes the evil and repels the harm (from such a one). As for a living person, then Allaah can sometimes make him a means (sabab) in the provision of sustenance to another person, or in repelling harm from him by Allaah the Most High's permission. As for him on his own, then he cannot control benefit or harm for himself or others besides him.
Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts
Shaykh `Abdullah bin Ghudayaan
Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee
Shaykh `Abdullaah bin Munee`
Fataawaa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, Vol 1 page 30, Fatwa No. 9688, compiled by Shaykh Ahmad ad-Duwaish.
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq