can you feel it to......


Junior Member
I am in tears, oh can you see how much time we have left, it is scary.

Ya Allah the day with meeting with you is so very close, please forgive our sins and enter us into jannah. Aameen.


Blessed Muslimah


May Allah prepare us all for that Day of Meeting with Him :tti_sister:

Time is slipping us by and we have nothing prepared for our long travel to reach our final home May Allah make our journey easy for us all and grant us jannah :tti_sister:

We should be scared of what we have to present in front of Allah inshaAllah good and may he veil our sins from others Ameen


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum!!

ya ilahi!!! subhanaAllah, so true walahi....time is slipping by us soo quickly!!! what heve we prepared huh?? what? may Allah forgive us all!ameen ya Allah

Ameen to all your duas
Allah hafiz now and always


to Allah we belong

yes its frightening indeed. and more scary is that we are seeing ppl going back to Allah one by one but even then we are so much indulged in this world.

may Allah save us all. Ameen


Junior Member
ammennnnnnnnnnnnn ammen toma ameen dear ukhtii , yes in fact it is a scary things , may allah guide us all to the stright and right path and all muslims ameennnnnnnnnnn