Celebrating Shab E Barat [The Middle Night Of Sha’bān]

Abu Dawood

New Member
Celebrating Shab E Barat [The Middle Night Of Sha’bān]

Sh. ‘Abd Al-‘Azeez Ibn Bāz [رحمه الله] said:

From the Bid'ahs which have been introduced into the religion by people is the Bid'ah of celebrating the Mid-Sha'ban night and fasting on its day. There is no reliable evidence for such actions.❞

[Fatwas of Ibn Bāz, (1/186-187) | Alifta]

Sh. ‘Abd Al-‘Azeez Ibn Bāz [رحمه الله] said:

What the majority of Muslim scholars agreed upon is that the celebration of Mid-Sha'ban night is Bid'ah and that the Hadiths reported regarding the virtue of this night are all weak and some of them are fabricated.

[Fatwas of Ibn Bāz, (1/187) | Alifta]

Ibn Dihyah Al-Kalbī [D.633H] said:

The people of At-Ta'dīl Wa At-Tajrīh [i.e. the 'Ulamā of Hadīth] have said: 'There isn't a single Hadīth about the 15th night of Sha'bān that is Sahīh [authentic]'.

[Mā Wud'a Wa Istibān Fī Fadā`il Sharh Sha'bān, (Page: 43) | Translated By Musa Shaleem Mohammed]