Chavez says food prices "massacre" of world's poor


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
here in my country (jordan ) as a third world country , and as surrounded by oil countries and we do not have oil ( what ajoke )!!!! you bet we affacted alot as salaries value come down to half.
but as all we are much better ( living wise ) than some muslim countries


:salam2: sister!

I live in UK, but even I can feel the effects of it.
I went to the butcher shop yesterday for some beef, but the butcher said he didn't have any.
I asked when he would have it and he said, he was not sure because the price of the beef has gone up and not alot of people buy it anymore.

So I ended up buying chicken.

I am self employed. I recently increased my working hours to compensate for the higher expenses.

May Allah ta'ala help the poor. Ameen

warda A


Ameen to your dua and hopefuly all will be well

I live in a country producing oil and we do not have diesel, right now am told the buses will all stop, i have to walk home?:girl3:
