Childrens clothing


Junior Member
What age are we told to dress our daughters "islamic" way. For ex I have heard discussions a 4-5 year old should not wear tights under a long dress. Is this correct?
I can relate to the fact we have to teach them before it's too late and to start early so it wont come as a chock to them later. But to dress a small child with baggy clothes seems a bit absurd. Especially since our Propeth saws said not start teaching them till they have reached the age of 7.
Please give me some opinions.

Jazakallah kheir.


Junior Member

It depends. If you are in a society whose dress code is closer to Islamic dress code then it naturally fits, so there is nothing to worry. But if you are in a society where the outside world is at opposite of Islamic dress code, then the problem starts not when child is young, but when the child gets older and becomes a teen, when it rebels against... And thats a scary situation for Deeni parents!

Just a generic observation.