ckooshoo in prayer


Junior Member

Did you guys know that ckooshoo in prayer has 5 degrees of rank?

An Alim described this degrees in the following way:

1. degree

not at right time and lack in wudhu, and when the prayer isn´t accomplished properly ( when the pillars of prayer are not observed)

this servant will be punished

2. degree

at right time, with correct wudhu, and no lack in accomplishment but without focus on the prayer ( when you think at this and that while praying)

this servant will be questioned

3. degree

at right time, with proper wudhu, no lack in accomplishment and trying hard to concentrate on the prayer, this servant is in jihad while praying, he is fighting against the whisper of sheytan and his thoughts

this servant is attempted not to commit a sin

4. degree

at right time, proper wudhu, no lack in accomplishment, and his heart is concentrated and alert he is thinking about what he is saying in prayer

this servant will be rewarded

5. degree

at right time, correct wudhu, no lack in acomplishment and the heart of this servant is filled with love and humility to Allah, he is careless, he is not thinking at anything else and he is not realizing what is happening around him, he is enjoying the meeting with Allah

this servant is close to Allah
