
warda A


I have a question that is bothering me

When after you have come from burial (from cemetry), i mean men because i heard women arent allowed to go to burial.
do you have to remove all the clothes you wore to the burial and wash them as well as taking a bath?
I have been arguing with a sister that i have never heard of that before
could some one give me an answer

jazakallahu kheiran



Pls mak Duwa 4 me

To my knowledge its just we have to make Wadu after coming from graveyard. Rest Allah knows the best.

Allah Hafiz.


Junior Member

I have a question that is bothering me

When after you have come from burial (from cemetry), i mean men because i heard women arent allowed to go to burial.
do you have to remove all the clothes you wore to the burial and wash them as well as taking a bath?
I have been arguing with a sister that i have never heard of that before
could some one give me an answer

jazakallahu kheiran


I'm too ...:lol:... it's the first time to hear something like that ...people are near to the bida'à than be following the sunna ...subhan Allaah


Junior Member

Sis. I think if the clothes are all covered in mud or soil then obviously you have to wash it. Other than that, since the clothes or body does not come in contact with any najis (urine, feces, carcass etc), then theres no need to wash or bathe.


Junior Member
asalam aleikum

seems like no one has an answer?
if your dress has dirt that you should wish it's allowed but to make it an obligation for anyone came out from a cemetery's not a sunna but it's a bida'à

warda A


if your dress has dirt that you should wish it's allowed but to make it an obligation for anyone came out from a cemetery's not a sunna but it's a bida'à


jazakallahu kheiran,
do you have dallel?

that would help