College Woman Looking to Learn


New Member
Hello everyone,

I'm a senior in college and recently began to study Islam. Though I don't see myself converting or reverting (to any religion) at this point in my life, that doesn't mean I don't want to learn more about it.

I'm currently writing an article on non-Muslim women who have recently (within the last 10-15 years) converted to Islam. I would like to find a woman to interview and write about her journey to faith. I live in Dearborn, Michigan and go to college in Albion, Michigan (about an hour away). Even if you are not in that area, I would love to hear your story. Please email me at *Removed* if you are interested in emailing or talking with me. Thank you all for your time! And hopefully for welcoming me to the board. : )



New Member
Oops! I didn't realize that wasn't allowed. Please do private message me then! we can get in contact from there : )

Is there a way to edit my email out of the previous post?

thank you,


Junior Member
Hi Jill,

Welcome to TTI.
I wish you to find what you are looking for.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask as you will find the sisters and brothers are very helpful.


Happy 2BA Muslim

salam alaykoum,

where is that edit button?
On the right handside I can see 3 buttons:

Quote, Multiquote and Quick Quote

and that's it????

The edit button is available after you have already submitted your reply. Go see your post now and you will find the edit button in the lower right hand corner.


Staff member

:jazaak: bro Happy 2BA Muslim.. I have removed the e-mail, so no worries. :)

I am pretty sure the Edit Button is available after a certain number of posts, I cannot remember the number. But just keep posting... and if you need anything removed or fixed, you could contact the Moderators or Admin... and we'll do what we can :inshallah:

Forgot to mention. Welcome to TTI!! I hope you find what you need. :)



Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam Alakum

Asalam Alakum,

Welcome to TTI,

Insha Allah u benifit from us as we from u.

I ask Allah to guide u to the right both and to not let u got astray.:tti_sister:
I ask Allah to show u the light and never show u the dark.:tti_sister:

Take care,


Salam Jill,

Michigan has a large Muslim population. There are many diverse masjids in the Detroit area. Your query did not define the parameters of your article. If you could be more specific as to what and why it would help sisters assist you. I hope this is making sense. Do you have a questionaire or are you intersted in very qualatative information. It would make it easier for those of us who would want to assist you.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge

:jazaak: bro Happy 2BA Muslim.. I have removed the e-mail, so no worries. :)

I am pretty sure the Edit Button is available after a certain number of posts, I cannot remember the number. But just keep posting... and if you need anything removed or fixed, you could contact the Moderators or Admin... and we'll do what we can :inshallah:

Forgot to mention. Welcome to TTI!! I hope you find what you need. :)

I think it was 50 sister. :)


no time like the present

A wise man once told me "Boy, yesterday is gone and tomorrow isn't here yet and today is the greatest give of all...thats why we call it the present!"
The point is that the angel of death can come at any moment and will not wait a minute or come back next week once we have time in our schedule for him. I can slightly understand where you are coming from in saying that you are not willing to revert back to the frame of mind in which you were brought into this world. On the other hand, you need to question your motives and intentions for saying and believing such a thing and pray to the Lord Almighty that He accepts you before the angel of death comes to snatch your soul and there is no more time left for your motives and intentions to be played out. Allah will make it easy for you, and if you take one step towards Him, He will R U N to you!!!
Another reason to take your shahada is the fact that you will be rewarded for all your efforts, studies, and good deeds.....May Allah guide you and make it easy for you!