Common Infant Illness ( baby's health care)


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Common Infant Illness ( baby's health care))

Once a baby is born, he/she is given vaccines in order to develop immunization, so that he/she may fight against the deadly diseases. But in spite of this, a child may suffer from some common illness.

There are a number of Common Infant Illnesses that can worry the parents. If your baby is caught with any common baby diseases, it is better to act quickly than to get worried. Consult with your physician and take proper advice from him.

Though most of the Common Infant Illnesses only cause minor problems, there is no point in wasting time and taking risk. A qualified physician can easily detect the disease and can prescribe proper medicine for that. Yet, it is always better to have knowledge on Common Infant Illness. Your knowledge could proved to be very helpful in the hour of need.

What are the Common Infant Illnesses?
There are several Common Infant Illnesses that the children may develop. Some babies may be prone to some specific common baby diseases. In those cases, parents should be more attentive to that. The Common Infant Illnesses are as below (not limited):

Coughs and Cold
Ear Infections
Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Allergic Reactions
Colds and Coughs: Colds and Coughs are one of the most Common Infant Illnesses that babies may get affected with. During the first year, babies may succumb to colds for several times. Consult with physician. These are treated with antibiotics.

Diarrhea: Too frequent and water bowel movement, which is much higher than the normal rate, can be a symptom of diarrhea in your baby. If the age of the baby is between 3 months and one year, it can be treated with rehydration sachets under medical supervision

Ear Infections: Ear infections are very common in babies, which usually caused by viruses, or otherwise by cold. Immediately contact an ENT specialist.

Fever: Fever is a pretty Common Infant Illness for the children, which is a state of body when it gets hotter than the normal. Usually infant paracetamol is used to treat fever.

Vomiting: Vomiting is quite common in children. It is quite normal for babies when they bring up a little mild after you feed them. It is known as "Possetting". But if the baby bring up the entire meal, then it is caused by virus and needs to be treated.