concerns about ramadan


Junior Member

I know Ramadan is approaching, and muslims all over the world are all excited about it. Unfortunately I don't really have the same anticipation. I might not be able to fast :(

I will be spending my Ramadan, which coincides with the summer vacation, with my family. I'm currently studying overseas, and my home country is a muslim majority country which makes it soo nice to spend Ramadan in. But given the fights and debates and tears with my family about Islam, I just chose not to talk abt religion with them. Last Ramadan I was caught fasting in about the 10th day, and the turmoil that followed it just made me stop my fasting. It was really sad for me, after that we never talk about Islam anymore. Now they still don't know that I'm muslim, so I don't know how I'll spend Ramadan. I really want to enjoy the fasting, the prayers, all the blessings, but I'm afraid I can't. Back at home the whole most people would be fasting, and it's gonna be a nice atmosphere..

It is one thing to "hide" when you pray, but it is another thing to not eat and drink for half a day for 30 days in secret. Please make dua for me and other "secret" muslims who still have to hide their Islam and their practices..


Junior Member
Hey you've definitely got my du'a, and I'd like to be remembered in yours, as I'm in the same position, except Ramadan for me falls during the early school year, and my country's definitely NOT Muslim majority. I'm sorry to hear your family didn't accept your choice, I'm still kind of fearing how my parents are going to react when I tell them, but insha'Allah we'll both get out of it all right.


May Allah make your path easier. That is a really unfortunate situation. Hopefully your place in environment by Allah SWt, in which you can practice without having to worry about consequences.
If you don't mind me asking, what country are you from?




Servant of Allah
asalamu alaykum. you know what brother/sister, do not be afraid of whatever turmoil your family causes. fast and let them know you are a muslim, because your duty as a muslim is to follow the sunnah. and i know this will be hard, but you've got to end it once and for all, or you'll miss your ramadans because of them. just tell them this is your decision and that you've chosen to do this. and that they would just have to accept. the prophet pbuh went through alot for us. he was stoned at ta'if. he was injured at uhud. he was chased and exiled out of his home mecca. they're your family yes, but they're not helping you, they're hurting you. so make the decision and don't miss ramadan. if they don't understand then let them go or find a place where you'll be able to fast. asalamu alaykum.


Junior Member
:salam2: Booya.
I pray that Allah changes your situation of difficulty to one of ease soon Insha Allah. Remember one thing that Allah could be testing you to see what decision you will make this coming Ramadan. Look at it this way, if you fast this Ramadan, you will be fulfilling Allah's commandment, you get the reward(with the right intention), and Allah will be pleased with you for sacrificing and going through hardships for His sake. On the other hand, if you don't, you may not get in trouble with your family but you will be missing out on this great reward and you may also get Allah to be unhappy with you. I know that right now you wont be able to get both of what you want, your family's approval and practicing a part of your deen. So think about it, either way you will have to make a hard choice and which ever one you choose someone will be disappointed with you.
One more thing, getting to Paradise is an uphill struggle, it won't be an ease, we will have to give up things we like and at times people who we love only so that we could get to our final destination(Jannah). I hope that you make the right choice and always remember Allah is there for you when you need Him. So seek His Help and worship Him alone.