Confused on authenticity of a hadith


Junior Member

We all know the hadith about the 72 virgins. Me and a Brother who happens to be a scholar were debating on it and I told that I read that Imam Trimidih and Imam Nawawi both said that it is a weak hadith. The brother then said that Sheik Albani said that this hadith is sahih and not weak. I told him that I remember reading in Sheik Albani's books that Sheik Albani labeled the hadith weak.

I am now confused because the Brother holds that Sheik Albani said it was a Sahih hadith and that since he is a scholar with more knowledge that I should just not speak.

Does anyone know where I can find a website that Sheik Albani speaks on this hadith?



Young Muslim
It's a weak hadith so it probably isn't true unless there's more than 3 sources that confirm it. (Personal opinion)
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