

New Member
assalamulaikum ,
My probleme is :i've knew a man from marige website and he is verry mutadayin and has good beheviours mashalah.But i'm afraid that be 7aram i said it to him and he said that he doesn't have another way for marriage he is from usa ,in reality i want him.i'm confiused about choosing this man or another which is from my city and i knew him from legal way .
help us please .
wajazakumo laho khayra.


Junior Member
Be carefull , ask someone who you have trust in, If you can ask about the man someone who knows him it is better, I pray that Allah swt help you choose all that is good. Pray Istikara,:tti_sister:


Salafi Muslima
bismiLlahi arRahmani arRahim

Mmmh...dear sister, I want to say LOOK OUT!!!
I think is better to beware of this kind of "meeting". But only Allah knows the best, wa Allahu a'lam!
Make du'à and think it over, insha Allah!!

:tti_sister: insha Allah khair


New Member
thanks for you

jazakomo laho khayra
i'm sure of this man 100 percent wa laho a3lam.
help us me with your do3ae


Make dua for us all
:salam2: sister amatolah, kidira labash :D

I would lean more to the brother in your city... your family can check on him and you'll live close by your family...

brother who lives in US... very hard to check on him, probably best way is through the masjid that he goes to and asking his roommates... paper work,,, i know brothers who married sisters from morocco, took about 8 months for their wife to come to US (they have US citizenship). if the brother has a green card, the process would take a long time and may be never. i know a brother who tried to bring his wife from morocco and he has a green card, has been 3 years now and he still waiting...

most important, if the brother is good in his religion and character, then you should go for above posts stated, make salat istikara and tawakali ala Allah :)

The Prophet (sas) said:
"Idhaa ataakum man tardhauna deenahu wa khuluqahu fa zawwijoohu. Illaa taf'aloo takun fitnatun fiy al-ardhi wa fasaadun kabeerun."
"If someone with whose piety and character you are satisfied with comes to you, marry to him. If you do not do so, there will be trials in the earth and a great deal of evil." At-Tirmidhi and others and it is hassan.

Wasalamo Alaikom