Confusion on a post


I had created a thread called "Fast for Gaza," unfortunately there was some confusion. I know actions are based on intentions. I'm sorry if I was not being clear.

I wasn't "singling out" Thursday as a day for fasting, nor was I trying to state that we should fast specifically for Gaza or Muslims. We can only fast for Allah swt. Yes, I do understand the importance of tawhid.

My message is to form unity and make dua for the oppressed - that's all. Whether people fast or not is there choice; it is a Sunnah of the Prophet (saw). It is not my intention to create bidah or innovation.

We should try to implement the Quran & Sunnah as much as we can. It's difficult to be consistent, even in fasting the Sunnah, but we have to start somewhere. A little reminder does help. By chance someone can be fasting tomorrow, if they've been consistent throughout the year. Just make sure you are fasting only for Allah swt and remember to make dua for your brothers & sisters :)

Also dear brother Mabsoot, I live in a non-Muslim country. I wish we went with a lunar a calender, but I do not make the laws for the U.S.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything incorrectly.


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As-salaamu `alaykum warahmatullaah.

I only saw the previous thread in brief. Whenever the companions faced any difficulties, they would look at their own selves to see what sunan they'd abandoned. Even during war, a party of companions asked `Umar Ibn Khattaab for more recruits and he sent a letter in reply, reminding the mujaahideen to look at which sunnah of the Prophet sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam they abandoned, and that their success lies in adherence to Al-Islaam.

Coming from that angle, if we want to rectify our condition, and the condition of Islaam in Gaza, we should adorn ourselves with the garments of the sunnah of the Prophet, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam. So in this way, of course, fasting thursdays and mondays is reviving a sunnah upon yourselves, a noble deed, for the sake of Allaah, not for Gaza. If for the sake of the latter, then the people of Gaza will not benefit from the fast, and the fasting person will gain nothing but hunger, thirst and Allaah's displeasure. That would be beyond senseless.

Reiterating what I said, we all need to continue in the beneficial deeds of charity, du`aa and reviving the sunnah and correcting our faults. This will benefit ourselves and the people of Gaza by Allaah's permission.

Lastly, for those who decide to follow the masses by fasting on just the 15th, for Gaza, then I fear that the following hadeeth applies to them.

"Whoever imitates a people, then he is one of them."

I say this because, it is from the ways of the non-believers to go on periodical hunger-strikes and the likes as forms of protest. So ascribing a fast as a form of protest is just substituting what the kuffaar do to something we are familiar with, fasting. Of course, the practice is no way near correct or lawful. It's like clothing a pig to resemble a cow and saying it's halaal. That's how I see it.

I think the confusion stemmed from the very title of your thread. Inshaa' Allaah this won't happen in future.

"By Al-'Asr (the time). Verily! Man is in loss. Except those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth, and recommend one another to patience." [Soorah Al-`Asr]​

Jazaak Allaahu khayran.
Was-salaamu `alaykum


Pearl of Islaam

I had created a thread called "Fast for Gaza," unfortunately there was some confusion. I know actions are based on intentions. I'm sorry if I was not being clear.

I wasn't "singling out" Thursday as a day for fasting, nor was I trying to state that we should fast specifically for Gaza or Muslims. We can only fast for Allah swt. Yes, I do understand the importance of tawhid.

My message is to form unity and make dua for the oppressed - that's all. Whether people fast or not is there choice; it is a Sunnah of the Prophet (saw). It is not my intention to create bidah or innovation.

We should try to implement the Quran & Sunnah as much as we can. It's difficult to be consistent, even in fasting the Sunnah, but we have to start somewhere. A little reminder does help. By chance someone can be fasting tomorrow, if they've been consistent throughout the year. Just make sure you are fasting only for Allah swt and remember to make dua for your brothers & sisters :)

Also dear brother Mabsoot, I live in a non-Muslim country. I wish we went with a lunar a calender, but I do not make the laws for the U.S.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything incorrectly.

Assalamu Allaicoum

Alhamdulillah dear brother,you said everything right Mashallah,and I completaly agree with you brother.

May Allah bless you dear brother and all Muslims.



Junior Member

dear brother ur advice to fast for Gaza is a very good one mashaallah... ur intention, to form unity, is very good and with fasting we can lover our needs so we can spend it (the money wich we would spend for nurishments normally) to the people in need... this is an action with wich Allah would be pleased with... sometimes people jump on somethingh without understanding and thinking....!

dear brother ur advice to fast for Gaza is a very good one mashaallah... ur intention, to form unity, is very good and with fasting we can lover our needs so we can spend it (the money wich we would spend for nurishments normally) to the people in need... this is an action with wich Allah would be pleased with... sometimes people jump on somethingh without understanding and thinking....!


Thank you sister. Like I stated above, the title of my thread was confusing & incorrect. Our intentions should be to only fast for Allah swt. We can not fast for people but we can make dua for them. If we do, it would constitute as shirk (associating partners to God Almighty). I am not trying to rule a single day out - this is not my intention. However, it's a mere reminder (to myself including) to fast & make dua as a whole. We should fast consistenly throughout the year and always remember to make dua for the oppressed.


Staff member

dear brother ur advice to fast for Gaza is a very good one mashaallah... ur intention, to form unity, is very good and with fasting we can lover our needs so we can spend it (the money wich we would spend for nurishments normally) to the people in need... this is an action with wich Allah would be pleased with... sometimes people jump on somethingh without understanding and thinking....!


Actually sister, and with no insult to the brother, what was said still constitutes a bid'ah. . an innovation, no matter what the intention.

I advise those people who still have little understanding as to what Bid'ah is, to read the final posts in this thread, take consideration as to what is Bid'ah and what the Prophet :saw and his Sahabi said about it:

I think that if anyone is jumping "without understanding and thinking!", it is those who do not consider the action in a clear way.

To form unity, yes is good, to do so by selecting a day, and asking everyone to fast on it, is not unity. -

The Sunnah is to fast Mondays and Thursdays, if people normally do that, then this is good.

However, if the people do not normally do it and they have intention to fast on a particular day for another reason that is not legislated, such as when all these people say fast on the 15th of January, or they say fast and give your money for Palestine, etc, then it becaomse Bid'ah..

Amr ibn Yahya narrated his father told him, "We used to sit at Abdullah Ibn Masood’s house before Fajr prayer. If he exited we would follow him to the musjid. Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari then came to us and asked us, ‘Did Abu Abur-Rahman (Abdullah Ibn Masood) come out yet?’ We said, ‘No’, so he sat with us till he emerged. We all stood up when he exited.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]He (Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari) said, ‘O Abu Adur-Rahman, I just saw something which I did not recognize, and I did not see, all thanks to Allah, but good.’ He (Ibn Masood) said, ‘What is it?’ He (Abu Musa) said, ‘If you live you will see it. I saw in the musjid people sitting in circles waiting for the prayer. In each circle there is a leader, and they have stones in their hands. He (the leader) would say, ‘Say Takbir (Allahu Akbar) 100 times’, so they say Takbir 100 times. He (the leader) would then say, ‘Say Tahil (La Ilaha Illa Allah) 100 times’, so they say Tahil 100 times. He (the leader) would then say, ‘Say Tasbih (Subhana Allah) 100 times’, so they say Tasbih 100 times.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Ibn Masood said, ‘Did you not order them to count their evil deeds, and guarantee them that none of their good deeds will be lost?’ Then he and us left till we reached one of the circles. Then he (Ibn Masood) stood next to the circle and said, ‘What are you doing?’ They said, ‘O Abu Abdur-Rahamn, (these are) stones that we count our Takbir, Tahil, tasbih, and Tah’mid (Alhumdu’lillah).’[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Ibn Masood said, ‘Count your evil deeds, for I guarantee that none of your good deeds will be lost. What is the matter with you, O nation of Muhammad? How soon you come to your destruction! The companions (of Muhammad) are still many, these are his clothes still not worn out and his cookware did not break yet. By whom my soul is in His Hands, you are either following a religion better than Muhammad’s or followers of a way of evil.’ [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]They said, ‘By Allah, O Abu Abdur-Rahman, we sought only what is good.’ Ibn Masood said, ‘Many people seek good, but they do not reach it. The Messenger told us some people who read the Qur’an will not have the Qur’an leave their throats (to their hearts). By Allah I do not know if most of you are from them.’ Then he left them. Amr Ibn Salamah said, ‘We saw most of those people fighting against us, in the battle of Nahrawan with the Khawarij.’" (Tirmidhi)[/FONT]

Edit: I think some are confused, this is not just an issue of saying "Fast FOR Gaza", this is an issue of actually fasting FOR ALLAH for a specific reason, time, date, way, etc, which was not done instructed. So, even if there is no Shirk involved and I do not believe any of the brothers or sisters have that in mind!! It is still wrong, because it falls under category of innovating something new into the religion.

We should not tell anyone to do a specific act of worship, in any way, reason or "style" except how Allah and His Prophet :saw: instructed.... So fasting is in Ramadhan, and on other legislated days. .

It is same, if I tell everyone to pray 2 naafil rakats for unity on a specific day. -- If we pray 2 naafil rakaat just because it is a good sunnah to do then this is fine, but if the intention is because you heard someone say, " We are all doing a naafil prayer on 15th - whether they give a reason or not, (so even if they dont say we are doing it in solidarity with Palestinians or the people in Darfur, which not many want to pray or care for because they are poor and black :) ) then this is also same. Wrong..

Every thing in our Islam is done strictly in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah. So, we can not basically invent a day, and those who do these things are infact, trying to copy the Kuffar. They are the ones who have 1 minutes silence, they are the ones who organise special prayers where they hold hand, or they do hunger strikes etc,

The people who do this fast are similar to those who commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad :saw: or make othe such innovations.

So this is not an action Allah would be pleased with,

and Assalamu alaykum


Junior Member

everything we do is for the sake of Allah, there is no doubt in it.... if we wouldn´t believe we would not care about the suffering of our brothers/sisters...


Junior Member

Actually sister, and with no insult to the brother, what was said still constitutes a bid'ah. . an innovation, no matter what the intention.

I advise those people who still have little understanding as to what Bid'ah is, to read the final posts in this thread, take consideration as to what is Bid'ah and what the Prophet :saw and his Sahabi said about it:

I think that if anyone is jumping "without understanding and thinking!", it is those who do not consider the action in a clear way.

To form unity, yes is good, to do so by selecting a day, and asking everyone to fast on it, is not unity. -

The Sunnah is to fast Mondays and Thursdays, if people normally do that, then this is good.

However, if the people do not normally do it and they have intention to fast on a particular day for another reason that is not legislated, such as when all these people say fast on the 15th of January, or they say fast and give your money for Palestine, etc, then it becaomse Bid'ah..

Amr ibn Yahya narrated his father told him, "We used to sit at Abdullah Ibn Masood’s house before Fajr prayer. If he exited we would follow him to the musjid. Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari then came to us and asked us, ‘Did Abu Abur-Rahman (Abdullah Ibn Masood) come out yet?’ We said, ‘No’, so he sat with us till he emerged. We all stood up when he exited.

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]He (Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari) said, ‘O Abu Adur-Rahman, I just saw something which I did not recognize, and I did not see, all thanks to Allah, but good.’ He (Ibn Masood) said, ‘What is it?’ He (Abu Musa) said, ‘If you live you will see it. I saw in the musjid people sitting in circles waiting for the prayer. In each circle there is a leader, and they have stones in their hands. He (the leader) would say, ‘Say Takbir (Allahu Akbar) 100 times’, so they say Takbir 100 times. He (the leader) would then say, ‘Say Tahil (La Ilaha Illa Allah) 100 times’, so they say Tahil 100 times. He (the leader) would then say, ‘Say Tasbih (Subhana Allah) 100 times’, so they say Tasbih 100 times.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Ibn Masood said, ‘Did you not order them to count their evil deeds, and guarantee them that none of their good deeds will be lost?’ Then he and us left till we reached one of the circles. Then he (Ibn Masood) stood next to the circle and said, ‘What are you doing?’ They said, ‘O Abu Abdur-Rahamn, (these are) stones that we count our Takbir, Tahil, tasbih, and Tah’mid (Alhumdu’lillah).’[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]Ibn Masood said, ‘Count your evil deeds, for I guarantee that none of your good deeds will be lost. What is the matter with you, O nation of Muhammad? How soon you come to your destruction! The companions (of Muhammad) are still many, these are his clothes still not worn out and his cookware did not break yet. By whom my soul is in His Hands, you are either following a religion better than Muhammad’s or followers of a way of evil.’ [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]They said, ‘By Allah, O Abu Abdur-Rahman, we sought only what is good.’ Ibn Masood said, ‘Many people seek good, but they do not reach it. The Messenger told us some people who read the Qur’an will not have the Qur’an leave their throats (to their hearts). By Allah I do not know if most of you are from them.’ Then he left them. Amr Ibn Salamah said, ‘We saw most of those people fighting against us, in the battle of Nahrawan with the Khawarij.’" (Tirmidhi)[/FONT]


ok ok .... now I understand.... it was me jumping without understanding and thinking :lol: