Contradiction in the Qur'an


New Member
There is something that I really need to be answered. It says in the Qur'an that there is going to be a bridge over hell and whoever believes will pass over it and whoever disbelieves will fall. But then it also says that disbelievers will be taken in groups to hell through the gates of hell and the gate keeper is going to say "werent the messengers sent to you" or well something like that. Isnt that a contradiction? Will people have to cross over a bridge to enter paradise or arent they just supposed to go through a gate.


Junior Member
There is something that I really need to be answered. It says in the Qur'an that there is going to be a bridge over hell and whoever believes will pass over it and whoever disbelieves will fall. But then it also says that disbelievers will be taken in groups to hell through the gates of hell and the gate keeper is going to say "werent the messengers sent to you" or well something like that. Isnt that a contradiction? Will people have to cross over a bridge to enter paradise or arent they just supposed to go through a gate.

Here is the sound rebuttal: look at the answer below ""


"Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished."

Verse 3:192 speaks about ‘fire’ , those who will enter the ‘fire’ and Not ‘hell’ will be disgraced, while verse speaks specific about ‘it’ (reference to hell) and not ‘fire’. Entering hell doesn’t necesarry mean that people will be touched or enter litery the fire.

that is not a contradiction but rather a "contradistinction". The Quran with its languages gives us pictures and glimpes of the events and stages of the hereafter. Its highly possible that people will have to pass over the fire(does not mean hell) and as well be taken to the gates of Hell and paradise itself.

However, it would be a contradiction if the quran in one verse claimed that people would pass over the hill and in another verse said that people will not pass over the hill. However Allah presents images of the stages of the last day by successively adding more description from stage to stage..

Hope that helps..salam


Junior Member
To give you another example of what i mean by contradistinction.Suppose I say that in order to make a cup of tea one needs water. One also needs tealeaves or tea powder. The two statements are not contradictory since both water and tealeaves are required in order to make a cup of tea. Furthermore if I want sweet tea I can even add sugar. This is the same case for the example above.

An excerpt from Zakir naik:

This is a contradiction: "For instance if I say that the man is always truthful and a habitual liar, it is a contradiction",

This is a contradistinction:but if I say that a man is always honest, kind and loving,then it is a contradistinction.


New Member
Here is the sound rebuttal: look at the answer below ""


"Not one of you but will pass over it: this is, with thy Lord, a Decree which must be accomplished."

Verse 3:192 speaks about ‘fire’ , those who will enter the ‘fire’ and Not ‘hell’ will be disgraced, while verse speaks specific about ‘it’ (reference to hell) and not ‘fire’. Entering hell doesn’t necesarry mean that people will be touched or enter litery the fire.

that is not a contradiction but rather a "contradistinction". The Quran with its languages gives us pictures and glimpes of the events and stages of the hereafter. Its highly possible that people will have to pass over the fire(does not mean hell) and as well be taken to the gates of Hell and paradise itself.

However, it would be a contradiction if the quran in one verse claimed that people would pass over the hill and in another verse said that people will not pass over the hill. However Allah presents images of the stages of the last day by successively adding more description from stage to stage..

Hope that helps..salam

Thanks brother, but I still do not completely understand. So when the disbelievers fall, then from there they will be escorted to hell?


Junior Member
there is nothing wrong in asking questions about akhira but the real question is how much are we prepared for it?


Junior Member
Thanks brother, but I still do not completely understand. So when the disbelievers fall, then from there they will be escorted to hell?

Salm first and foremost seek refuge in God from the accursed one because he is defintely making you doubt. With a clear mind..listen. This is not a contradiction because the scenez do not conflict. However the trouble is that as Human we have limited knowledge and cannot begin to comprehend the last day and all the events that will take place. Allah gives us images and scenes from that horrible day in jumbles for the purpose of reminder, but we cannot piece them together in order with certainity. But logically using the Hadith the people of hellfire and the people will paradise will be taken to their destinations(gates of hell or gates of paradise) but before they reach them this is one obstacle..the sirat or bridge which extends over the fire(buts its not the actual gate of hell where the 19 angels of hell are waiting). Some will fall others will pass but each will be taken to their respective gates..allah ualam

salam hope that helped.


New Member

If you still don't completely understand. You could try

I did but couldnt find anything. But I think I kind of understand. The people who fall of the bridge will then be dragged with their faces on the ground to their appropriate places. So the gates of hell are in hell.


New Member
I did but couldnt find anything. But I think I kind of understand. The people who fall of the bridge will then be dragged with their faces on the ground to their appropriate places. So the gates of hell are in hell.

Srry, its supposed to be "fall off the bridge"



before i became really serious with islam, let me rephrase that. during the time i was having doubts with islam, i would try to find something either in the quran and hadith that would contradict itself. and to my anger, i wasn't able to find anything there that contradicts. i am also blessed in writing poetry, so i thought myself great enough, to challenge the quran in producing an ayah or surah, equal or greater than the ayah of the quran. i just couldn't do it no matter how hard or determined i tried, i just couldn't. the quran cannot be beaten. the sad part was that i really thought that i could win.



Junior Member
Assalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

insha Allah i will give some information about this subject.

You have two types of people:
- disbelievers
- believers

This type of people can be divided into:

disbelievers :
- some will go over the bridge
- And others will enter directly into hell

The disbelievers who will go over the bridge are Hypocrites. They will fall into hell.

believers: They will go over the bridge,
- some will fall
- And others will not fall into Hell

That's why Allah said clearly:

وَإِن مِّنكُمْ إِلَّا وَارِدُهَا كَانَ عَلَى رَبِّكَ حَتْمًا مَّقْضِيًّا
ثُمَّ نُنَجِّي الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوا وَّنَذَرالظَّالِمِينَ فِيهَا جِثِيًّا

Some will go over the hell ( fall or not fall) and some will enter the hell directly. "Wariduha" can have two meanings in this context:

- Entering
- Go over

Now you have to ask me the evidence. That's how people have to be, always asking the evidence. Which evidence? The evidence for what i have written.

We have to go back to scholars and learn arabic.

Taqabala LLahu mina Waminkum ( Eid Mubarak)

Wassalmoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,
