Contradictions in the Qur'an and Weird Stuff


I'm not what you believe
Allah knows what it's better for everyone,even if at first sight you can substain that Allah left many innocents die...You should pose your eyes at a lower level,and little by little you'd understand why you can get up every morning,why you can get fresh water to drink,why you can breath oxigen instead of'd understand many things,but you should give calmness at your "thirst"of knowledge.who knows if all thos "innocents "who dies were really innocents?maybe you see innocence in the eyes of a child,but when he grows up he becomes a criminal:Allah knows what it's in the earths and in the heavens.
your efforts to have an answer maybe will rewarded.If you ask a reward in this terrestrial life,Allah will give it to you,but the reward in the Other life is Biggest!!the fact that you came here and asked for explainations may be the sign that Allah is opening your heart to Him.while if you see those "wretches" walking here and there,swearing at Allah andkilling without pity..those are who Allah chose for the Hell,because they followed the way of Shaytan(Satan).I CAN'T TRANSLATE YOU THIS VERSE IN ENGLISH,BUT I WRITE THE NUMBER SO THAT YOU'LL READ IT(VERSE 48,SURAT AL'ANFAL;VERSES 11-18SURAT AL-'ARAF)
may Allah help you in this "journey"