Converted to islam Because of the Danish Cartoons


Junior Member

Allahu AKBAR!!!!

It just shows, it might be that you don't like something but it is good for you and it might be that you love something and it is bad for you. In the end, Allah knows that which you do not.

Allahu Akbar!!!!!


Junior Member
assalamoelaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh,

Allahu akbar

Thank you very much.

Wassalamoealaikoem warahmatullahi wbarakatuh


Junior Member
As-salaam Alaikum,

Jazakmullah Hu-Khairan Jaza for sharing such a beautiful video.

May allah reward you.


Jazakallah khair for sharing this inspiring video.

It's beautiful how the light of Allah swt is perfected even in the most hostile environments. His wisdom and logic took him to Islam, the religion of logic.


Servant of Allah
Wa'alaykum as-salaam wa Rahmatu Llahi wa Barakatuhu,

Subhan'Allah, that was so beautiful. May Allah raise him with the righteous in this world and in the next. Ameen.

Jazak'Allahu khair for sharing it with us.

Very well said, TheHumbleWun.. tabarak'Allah.


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Subhanallah such a motivating story. This is also what made ME want to become like Muhammad (SAW), it was from listening about the special things about him, about his great and beatiful character, and that made me want to become like him, in every way that he was.

Mashallah now I feel like a differant person. I'm not afraid of animals anymore, and I am kind to them and love them, and now I'm kind to elders, if I see any, even a non Muslim one, I hlep them out if I see that they need it, and I love children, and everytime I see a little kid, if I am able to, I give them candy or ice cream and stuff to make them feel better, and now Mashallah I'm like a differant person, and now little Muslim kids start liking me, and I'm like a role model to them. But basically, from my own opinion, I don't feel like I might be that great of a role model, but maybe one day when they start growing up and learning more, they'll learn about Muhammad (SAW), and Inshallah, just like me, they'll start wanting to be like him, at this young age I am at right now (14). The best time for a Muslim child to practice his Deen, his Islam, is when he is young. Anas ibn Malik (RA) was 10 years old when Muhammad (SAW) made Hijrah to Medinah, and Mashallah he became a very great teacher when he got older, after the death of Muhammad (SAW). Other great Sahabi would be Abdullah ibn Masud (RA), who was a great companion of Rasullah (SAW) since the beginning, and he was the Sahabi who killed Abu Jahl. And Muaz and Muawaz (Radiyallahu Anhuma), were the two boys who fought in the battle of Badr and took down Abu Jahl, (they took him down, and he was there nearing to dying on the floor even after the battle, and than Abdullah ibn Masud (RA) who use to be a shepherd boy, beheaded him and told Rasullah -SAW- ), and one of them got disabled at the end. And another great Sahabi would be ibn Abbas (RA), who was also 14 years old and a great Sahabi and spy for Rasullah (SAW) when Rasullah (SAW) was the high leader in Medinah.

But basically the main thing I wanted to say was:

This is also what made ME want to become like Muhammad (SAW), it was from listening about the special things about him, about his great and beatiful character, and that made me want to become like him, in every way that he was.

Mashallah now I feel like a differant person. I'm not afraid of animals anymore, and I am kind to them and love them, and now I'm kind to elders, if I see any, even a non Muslim one, I hlep them out if I see that they need it, and I love children, and everytime I see a little kid, if I am able to, I give them candy or ice cream and stuff to make them feel better, and now Mashallah I'm like a differant person, and now little Muslim kids start liking me, and I'm like a role model to them. But basically, from my own opinion, I don't feel like I might be that great of a role model, but maybe one day when they start growing up and learning more, they'll learn about Muhammad (SAW), and Inshallah, just like me, they'll start wanting to be like him, at this young age I am at right now

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Assalamu Alykum brother Sharingan. Yeah I am only 14, but I'm an inspiration to many people, including myslef. At times (well I have a problem with my head) I forget about amny things, and lose my Eman. And when I feel like I REALLY want my Eman back, I start thinking and remembering my virtuues about myseld, which makes me feel better and makes me recover my sanity.

And I'm also a Bangladeshi Muslim too brother, and a non Bidah and practicing at that too! :)