Converting to Islam and the hiding your practice?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I'm wondering if anyone here actually went through the process of converting to Islam and then hiding it from people who they didn't want knowing about it.

I'm asking this because I'm in a situation where open practice of Islam is near-impossible for me and I'm wondering how I can in those circumstances practice the deen. In particular I'm wondering how people would work around such things as praying fajr (an alarm would likely disturb people in my house and I'd have similar problems with phone calls from Muslim friends or other solution) or getting round the issue of eating/drinking haraam foods.

Any answers are appreciated.


Rabbe Zidni Illma

You got company sister. :p Well, Alhamdulilah most of the times I manage to establish my Salah. For fajr? I have no idea how I wake up, my eyes just open up a few minutes before Fajr. But, unfortunately my mother is up by that time, so I run to the wash room, pretend as if I am taking bath by filling the bucket and silently finish off my prayer in the adjacent room. Rest of the day, I am in office so not a problem. For Isha I happen to wait a little late and pray, after my parents are asleep. Alhamdulilah.

Hmmm, In your situation maybe u can set an alarm pretending to wake up for a jog/walk/sport class or something [I use this trick for weekends ;), I actually go!!] and quickly finish off your prayer. Weekends are the worst, where I have to stay at home all time, so I find out reasons to some how make it out of home - say shopping (most times window shopping ;)), eating snacks, meeting frens, going to beach etc and pray. Sometimes Alhamdulilah my parents go out, so a leap from the bed -> rush to the washroom to perform wudu..

Coming to reading Quran.. Weekdays, I try my best to read in office, if I am not able to read it in office, I read on phone (Alhamdulilah, May Allah SWT reward the person who created the app) Weekends, it's the app which rescues. No, don't think I read Quran everyday. Astagfirullah. But I make sure at least 4-5 days a week I make it happen..

Reading Islamic books is a big NO at home. The moment my mother sees anything in Arabic or referencing to a Muslim name, it vanishes. So at home, to stay away from lot of TV, music and movies.. I read novels.. Some times, I watch a serial or two.. Or else, all time favorite -> SLEEP.

Calls from Muslim frens.. I hardly get calls, but whenever I do, I move off to another room or lower my voice and talk or pick the call and tell them I shall talk to them when I am free, which actually means "later mate".. Most of my talk happens thro' messages. So Alhamdulilah.

Eating/drinking Haraam foods sister.. Ahh.. I got no clue about it, I don't eat much of meat(Lucky me!). Whatever I get I eat, by after saying Bismillah.

Hope it helps some way sister.. :)
If you wish to know something specific. Please do ask. :)



Staff member

I don't have practical advice to offer currently, sadly (what brother "unqiueskates" posted is helpful). although I just wanted to say, may Allah ease your situations, and reward you with in both abodes for your steadfastness. Ameen.

(The issue regarding unlawful food and drink, you could explain the dangers of such items to health, and your reason for abstaining from them is based on this, perhaps?)


Junior Member
salam alaikum Sister
may allah ease your situation and brother unqiueskates ameen
I agree with our brother unqiueskates
are you the only muslim in your house ?
is your room apart ?
sorry for my questions :frown:
you can pm me if you had any specific question :)


Rabbe Zidni Illma
AssalaamuAlaikum sister WannabeHijabi,

Just thought about them yday sister. Thought of sharing

For getting up for Fajr, it might sound a bit idiotic, but anyways.. What you can do is, before going to bed drink ample amount of water, so that you are forced to wake up in the middle of night or early in the morning.. So, if you get up in the middle of night, you can offer Tahajjud, after which you can roll in the bed for sometime/do ibaadah.. Else you would get up for fajr InshaAllah on time.. :) Have tried this sometimes, it does work.

Also, before going to bed do request Allah SWT from your heart to wake you up for Fajr. HE SWT never lets you down. Trust me on it. :) I do this all time.. ;)

A piece of advice from your brother. Don't make it hard on yourself. Take it little by little.
1. Make your heart strong with ikhlas, your aqeedah firm.

2. Try focusing on what your reciting in your Salah. Feel it. Allah SWT doesn't want us to burden ourself with religion (Hope I am not wrong). Our deen is supposed to make our life easy and smooth, not other wise.

3. Try reading just 10 ayats, per day(at least 4-5 days a week), if not more. But think about them, think what Allah SWT is telling you, just run your head for 15 mins for the sake of Allah SWT.

4. Focus on strengthening your base -> speak truth, eyes down, sadaqa, make ppl smile and laugh, speak less.. You can refer to the Quran for the rest!! :D Alhamdulilah.

I guess that's the end of my lecture. :p
Take care sister.

Brother Ditta,
Ameen to your dua. :)

JazakAllah Khair.