Creative Inventions?


Junior Member

InshAllaah everyone is in good health. I am taking a Creativity class in school and I'm required to come up with something that can help improve my school or the world. I actually have to make it though. An example is like the solution to the problem of how a lot of western clothes don't cover the solution or creative invention for that would be the abaya.

You could also just tell me any problems you're having with something so then maybe I can come up with a way to offer a solution.

Any help or ideas would be grealty appreciated, thanks.

JazakAllaahukhairan and sorry!



Junior Member
walekom as salaam wa rehmatullah wa barakaatuhu.
sister mashallah i guess u are into some real good and effective creative work.
my name is tarannum,and i would like to have u as my friend and sister in islam.
may allah bless,ameen.
as salaamu alaikom wa rehmatullah wa barakaatuhu.