daily ayaat


Junior Member
i noticed we dont have daily ayaat im gonna try post this everyday


Have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth? There is in no private conversation three but that He is the fourth of them, nor are there five but that He is the sixth of them - and no less than that and no more except that He is with them [in knowledge] wherever they are. Then He will inform them of what they did, on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed Allah is, of all things, Knowing.[58:7]


Junior Member
If we imagine a world where most people believe in this verse and feel that Allah subhanahu wa taala is with them where ever they are.......would we have all these troubles.? This verse can make the believer think twice before any word, any act.


Junior Member

You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give provision to whom You will without account." [3:27]


Junior Member

You cause the night to enter the day, and You cause the day to enter the night; and You bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living. And You give provision to whom You will without account." [3:27]

This verse directs minds of people to ponder in the great clear signs around them which tells that La ellah Ella Allah , it opens eyes to see that Allah is the one true creator , sustainer of all.


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
i noticed we dont have daily ayaat im gonna try post this everyday

asalaam aleykum


thank you sister please do "Ina dhkra tunfaa miiiminuun"


i appreciate your comments. I love to see People express their ways of facts findings

thank you



Junior Member

Sahih International
He will forgive for you your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residence. That is the great attainment.


Junior Member

He knows what is within the heavens and earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare. And Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts.[64:4]


Junior Member

The lightning almost snatches away their sight. Every time it lights [the way] for them, they walk therein; but when darkness comes over them, they stand [still]. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.


Junior Member

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided.


Junior Member

Here you are loving them but they are not loving you, while you believe in the Scripture - all of it. And when they meet you, they say, "We believe." But when they are alone, they bite their fingertips at you in rage. Say, "Die in your rage. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of that within the breasts."[3:119]


Junior Member

But repentance is not [accepted] of those who [continue to] do evil deeds up until, when death comes to one of them, he says, "Indeed, I have repented now," or of those who die while they are disbelievers. For them We have prepared a painful punishment.[4:18]


Junior Member
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
أَيْنَمَا تَكُونُواْ يُدْرِككُّمُ الْمَوْتُ وَلَوْ كُنتُمْ فِي بُرُوجٍ مُّشَيَّدَةٍ‎


Junior Member

By which Allah guides those who pursue His pleasure to the ways of peace and brings them out from darknesses into the light, by His permission, and guides them to a straight path.[5:16]


Junior Member
And of them is hewho hearkens to u,and we cast veils over there hearts lest they understand it and a heaviness into their ears; and even if they see everuy sign they will not believe in it; so much so that when they come to you they only dispute with you; those who disbelieve say; this is naught but the stories of the ancients. (6:25)