daily wish

warda A


~ My Daily Wish ~

My daily wish is that we may
See good in those who pass our way;
Find in each a worthy trait
That we shall gladly cultivate;
See in each one passing by
The better things that beautify
A softly spoken word of cheer,
A kindly face, a smile sincere.
I pray each day that we may view
The things that warm one's heart anew;
The kindly deed that can't be bought
That only from good are wrought,
A burden lightened here and there,
A brother lifted from despair,
The aged ones freed from distress;
The lame, the sick, brought happiness.
Grant that before each sun has set
We'll witness deeds we can't forget;
A soothing hand to one in pain,
A sacrifice for love - not gain;
A word to ease the troubled mind
Of one whom fate has dealt unkind.
So, friend, my wish is that we may
See good in all who pass our way.