dear diary


Junior Member
Islam is my life

My mum is not happy with me. She said I have chosen my hijab over my family. But all I did was obey Allah and I guess I should wait til she calms down and realises Islam is important to me and not cheap.

Shall I send her flowers maybe?
I shall still be patient either way


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wabrakatuhu sister

Not just send her flowers but shower more love upon her. More than you used to before you reverted to Islam. Be more kind and patient with her and the remaining members of your family. Make duas for them. And now hug her more than before to show the love of Islam.

Allah Subhanahu wa Taala tells us to be patient and kind with our parents even if they are non-muslims. Remember the story of Ibraheem (alaihi salam) and how he used to advice his kafir father.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala bless you and your family.



Junior Member
Dear Sister, I am sorry to hear this.... I still have not told my mum I am wearing hijab now and I am dreading it even though I am 38, so it seems ridiculous in my situation!

I would probably send flowers..... Eventually, she will learn that by becoming Muslim, your respect for your mother will be even so much more than ever before. We say that Paradise lies at the feet of the mother :) Allah details in Qur'an how much He appreciates what pregnant women go through, I don't believe you will find such a thing in any other scriptures.

Wearing "hijab" was a command for Jewish and Christian women also but they did not keep it up. I hope that she will understand that by leading a healthy life (not drinking alcohol, not eating fatty port, taking care of these bodies that Allah gave us) that your life is improving, even if she cannot understand the spiritual aspect.

Good luck, I would send flowers and not bring up religion for a little while but I guess you have to be ready with respectful and positive things to say as the hijab will be a constant reminder every time she sees you. She will calm down, Insha Allah, and learn to love the decision you made, Insha Allah, Insha Allah. This is my prayer for you, sister :)


Junior Member
Assalaamuralaikum ....

Our life is full of trial.... maybe it a step that u hv to surmount ...

Keep firm to ur hijaab ....for the love of Allah u will see much avenues open for you ....

Be patient sister ... shower ur good ... ur love and affection

A Kashmiri

Junior Member
It is sad to hear that , but Inshallah you will get a big reward from Allah for this step you had taken.

I think there is no better person to answer this question than you, you know your mother more than anyone in the world.

I am sure inshallah things will get better soon as your mother will cool down and think.

By the way the picture of Mary ( Astagfirullah we dont accept the pictures the christians had made of Jesus and Mary and keep them in the Church and homes) shows she wearing head scarf, when you get an opportunity to talk about this somoetime later with your mother -TELL HER YOU CHOOSE TO BE LIKE MARY AND NOT MAD-ONA OR SOME OTHER CHEAP WOMEN.

May Allah bless you..



speak good or silent
Assalamu'alaikum sister Zayna
Allah commands us to love and honour our mother whatever her faith is. Obey her for good matters, but do not for against Allah's rule (i.e. taking off your hijab). Show her that by being Muslim you would be a dearest daughter to her. Visits her regularly, bring her favourite foods, buy her a beautiful clothes, listen to her anytime she want to share her problems, send her flowers-that's great idea-- Just show your affection to her is much more greater than before.
May Allah help you..