deeds for Allah's pleasure or Allah's reward? help needed!


to Allah we belong

personally, i might not do many good deeds or do many bad deeds if there is no reward or punishment.

so i think i obey Allah for His pleasure and reward.

is this wrong that i dont do deeds only for Allah's pleasure but also His reward -Paradise?


Junior Member

sorry brother cuz I can not answer your question. hope someone knowledgable can. But we should not only obey Allah bec we are scared of hell or we want paradise. We should obey Allah out of love. and when you love a person for example your friend or mother or your wife you will also do deeds in order to please the one you love and without expecting anything. and when we really love Allah we should be keen to gain His pleasure.

He is the one who deserves most to be loved. In every single atom of our body His mercy is hidden... If we don´t love Him like he deserves it is bec we don´t know Him sufficent. and no matter how much we know Him we will never be able to know Him like He really is. also jannah is only a sector of His beauty. we obey a King the One who created us and blessed us with so many blessings we can not count. and that King is aware of everything we do also when we transgress His limits and He is still mercyfull with us He still give us the possibillity to repent... How kind is that? when we think about it it is as a matter of course to praise Him and to obey Him. and when we do so He will reward us with paradise... subanallah... imagine someone is helping you out of a difficult situation and bec you thank him he gives you a check of million dollars.... For us it is enough to know that we will never be able to imagine Him like He is. It is immpossible and the immpossibility we acknowledge shows His greatness....



Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

Doesn't Allah's pleasure encompass reward for those who work towards attaining it or better yet..*actually* attain it?! shouldn't we *prioritize* Allah's Pleasure over the result it ensues..though we certainly can seek that as well..but only to assure that we are *strictly* abiding to the principles of *ihsaan* and *ikhlaas* in worship?!!!

(just a little something to think about!..since my knowledge is still small in this topic unfortunately)


tricky statements you are making. but the end of this ayah doesn't say paradise. so ponder on it. barakaAllahufeek.




to Allah we belong

imagine someone is helping you out of a difficult situation and bec you thank him he gives you a check of million dollars.... .


mashallah, a lovely statement! jazaak Allah khair for ur explanation


tricky statements you are making. but the end of this ayah doesn't say paradise. so ponder on it. barakaAllahufeek.


jazak Allah khair for the video

PS: but i am still confused :)

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
I do have this thought also...many times.

I remember following Hadith maybe related to your question:

The Prophet used to pray so much that his feet used to become edematous or swollen, and when he was asked as to why he prays so much, he would say, "Shall I not be a thankful slave (to Allah)?"

Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba (Sahih Bukhari)

Jannah is assured for the Prophet yet he still pray, fast, perform other ibadat etc...