Defining Islamic poetry


New Member
Can Islamic poetry be poetry from 'the west' but written by western muslims, in their own language, i.e. English?

I'd like to share some of my own poetry but I don't know whether anyone here would call it Islamic, even if to me it is where my relationship with my soul and my inner feelings reaches its zenith.


Assalamu alaikum brother!

The answer is yes.

As long as the theme and contents of your poems are islamic then they are considered islamic regardless of what language it is written in.

Also, a person who believes in the shahadah and follow Quran and the messenger of Allah is a muslim, regardless of where he/she is from and what race he/she belongs to.

We have some very good islamic poems here on TTI in English.

Wassalamu alaikum


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Asalam alakum,

This is an Islamic poetry which means the poem MUST be islamic... If the poem speaks about u its alright.. At least it doesnt contain something something unIslamic and something that might upset some people here.



Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

First of all poetry has nothing to do with islam as a religion.

Terms like "islamic nashid", "islamic song", or "islamic poetry" are made up by some people who falsely try to relate these things to islam.

Those terms commonly refere to Nashid, Song, or poetry concerning islamic topics.

Most scholars disapproved such terms.
Such as "Shaikh Abdullah Bin Jibreen" from Saudi Arabia.
"Ulama Ibn Baz". of Saudi Arabia.
" Shaikh Salih Bin Fouzan Al Fouzan" from Saudi Arabia.
"Mash'hur hasan Al Salman"
"Shaikh Abdulaziz Al Shaikh"
And many others..

And by the way, Most of what we hear as nashid, are actually songs.

Reciting a nashid should be with a constant voice tune with a slight change, Unlike singing.. where the voice tune goes high and low, or thin and thick..etc.


New Member
Well okay. Here are some poems I have written, owing various amounts to education in the history and art of unorthdox sufism:

A poem I wrote for the internet just as the Blair regime was about to start in Britain (I have censored enough, I hope, to eliminate any offensiveness to any quaint religious views)

Too many batmen in joker city

Too many batmen in joker city
But there's no room down here for pity

He who stops laughing dies
and no one will hear your cries
in this endless urban insanity

Joker's Postscript
Like up your ******** goes a red hot poker
Without a doubt I am the joker

and here's a poem I wrote many years later - in the last 12 to 18 months in fact - it is not censored, and I hope the concept of girlfriends stops absurdly offending anyone claiming to be muslim, since even if you don't believe in having them yourselves, others are entitled

The Silurian in my garden

There is a Silurian in my back garden
So I am running away via the front door
Far far away, with no desire to return
until the Silurian has long finished his
business of taking over the neighbourhood
and mass extermination.

You see I'm no hero, and I don't have a tardis
and when nasty aliens turn up to kill me I
only have one good defence like scooby and shaggy
which is to just run run away and don't look back.

If I had an assistant, I wouldn't tell her to call
unit for help, we'd just run, go somewhere nice and
since she'd be quite fit, we'd just go to bed.

And on the news in the morning I'd see the headlines:
"Military deals with Silurians, where is Dr Who?"


New Member
I just wrote this one:

Persian under attack

From birth, Persian, you are democracy's foe
Infant in your crib, do you know that
just because of who bore you, you ar not
a member of the free world, but a so-called
traitor belonging to an axis, and evil is
the master they say you obey

Persian be strong, because in a world where
that is how a new baby is treated, and his
or her whole life, mark my words, is subject
to the prejudices and fears of the people who
believe in scapegoating, in fearing what they
do not know and above all who are primative,

You are the only saviour, and apocalypse or
destruction is not the dream of the dissident
not a dream of the rebel wanting to change the
whole world, but the passive accepted way of
the millions who make you and I into that
messiah, that antichrist, that mix of religion,
and anti-religion.

The persecuted always win. Ask the jews. And
if you think that means that jews ganging up
with everyone else on the persian baby makes
the persian lose, think again. Even persians
got treated as jews and christians do now,
and even they did the ghastly things jews and
christians do... and because they did that,
their Babylon fell, just liket the Babylon
of Jews and Christians falls now, just as tomorrow,
yes tomorrow, after their golden day is gone,
even the Babylon of China will fall, the babylons
of all humans fall - ask ANY persian. We all know.