Descriptions of the Prophet (SAW) by some of the Companions

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Al-Bara' Ibn 'Azib described him, saying, 'The Messenger of Allah (SAW) was of height. I once saw him wearing a red striped robe and I have never seen anything more beautiful than he.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Abu Hurayrah described him, saying, 'He was on the tall side of medium, with very white skin. His hair
was black, and he had excellent front teeth. His eyelashes were long his shoulders broad.' He went on to
say, 'I have never seen a man like him before or since.

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Anas said, 'I have never touched silk finer or Softer than the palm of the Messenger of Allah's hand;
and I have never smelled any scent more fragrant than his natural odour.'

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
'Ali Ibn Abi Talib was among those nearest to the Messenger of Allah who knew him best. He described thus: 'He was not coarse or obscene and he did not shout in the market-place. He did not return evil for evil, but was and he did not strike anybody, neither a servant nor a woman. I never saw him take revenge for any offence so long as it was not violating the honour of Allah.

When a limitation set by Allah was viotated, however, he would be more enraged than anyone else. Given a choice between two courses he would always choose the easier of the two.

'When he entered his house, he behaved like other men. He cleaned his own garments, milked his goat, and carried out household chores.

'He never stood up or sat down without the name of Allah being on his lips. Wherever he went, he would sit at the back of the gathering and he instructed others to do the same. He gave all those who sat with him such attention they believed that he paid more heed to them
than to anyone else.

When someone sat with him, he stayed attentive and patient ,Until it was time for that person to depart. When someone asked him for help, he would either give him what he 'needed or speak kindly to him.

'He was always cheerful and tender-hearted. Everyone regarded him as their father, and he treated everyone as equals.

'He was the most generous of people , the most truthful, the kindest, and the noblest. Those seeing him for the first time were overawed, but those who knew loved him. Someone describing him said, "I did not see his like before him or after him."

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
"You carry the loads of the weak people, you earn for the poor and you help a person if any trouble comes to him in following the truth."

(Khadijah while speaking to the Prophet in his first year of Prophet hood)

Abu Juwairiya

Junior Member
Ibn Abi Hala said, 'His silence was on account of tolerance, far sightedness, estimation and thinking and contemplating."

('Muslims Character' by M Al Ghazali, P 26, 1991)